• A few feet from my house on the street. This guy was carrying a huge sword of some kind and looked pissed off.
  • I moved in next to her. O what fun.
  • i think im the craziest person i met. unless you mean real crazies i tend to hire those a lot.
  • On the bus,when i rode the bus.
  • sadly in the womb
  • At school?
  • On ab !!!
  • on yahoo answers, she is so crazy i can even feel how she bounces of the walls, she is so hyper...
  • In 1988 he walked past my house with his dog. The second craziest person I ever met was named Joseph Jeter. Here he is... He's the one driving the horse drawn carriage at the bottom. We met him at a local pub by our house. The guy was a drunken looney and went from wanting to beat up my husband and my brother, to crying and telling me how much his children were afraid of him. (geeze, I wonder why) I knew this guy was in a lot of pain (and wanted to take it out on others), and thankfully I had enough sense to listen and communicate with him just enough so that we could get the **** out of there safely. What a wacko!
  • I don't know anyone crazier than myself. I mean, I get on my own nerves!!!
  • I met her in the mirror. Later did I realize it was ME!!!
  • When I went to Cains a few years ago...the guy was a nut.
  • this place we call the house fort, it's a half burned down house in the middle of a desert, the guys name was rambo, he was homeless and lived in a dugout shelter in the desert, he lost his pinkie finger and reconstructed it with scrap metal, it was amzing, but the guy was crazy
  • My best friend. I met him after the 6th grade. I was in a "summer recreation" program. A friend and I were playing ping-pong. He came by and stole the ball so we couldn't play. (I had never met him before and didn't know his reputation) I grabbed him and put him in a choke hold and squeezed until he politely handed me the ball back. I was happy with the transaction and kindly let him go. BIG MISTAKE! He immediately reared back and gave me the most painful punch in the face I can remember. My friend who was playing with me said "Are you crazy? That's Steve! He's the biggest bully around here". I normally took a bus to "summer recreation" , but this day I walked home, crying , with a bloody nose. I remember it like it was yesterday, but he doesn't. Steve and I were introduced by another mutual friend at a party a year or so after I was done with highschool.(approx. 6 years later). He's crazy, I can never underestimate him. I'd love to tell you some stories. One thing I know,....All I Gotta Do is Call. Busting my face to best friend,......GO FIGURE. We had lots in common after
  • I went on one date with this girl once. Like 3 days later I called her at like 8PM to see what she was up to. I got her voice mail so I left her a message. I get a call at like 11PM from her, and she said that her "boyfriend" want to talk to me. So he started asking me why I was calling his girlfriend so late at night. I said, "I dunno, I was bored, wanted to say hello." Then he started threatening me telling me that we should meet up and that he was going to shoot me. I just laughed. He kept saying my name a lot and then went in to like a 30 minute long rant about what he did that night and what was going on in his life. "....and my step Dad, man, he used to yell at me all the time and that shit was not cool." "Uhh huh." "And my Mom used to take away my playstion." "Uhhh huh." "And I would get mad, and I have a problem with anger, I know this, I'm angy, I just get angry sometimes man, and I'm very angry, and I don't know, you call my girl up an everything and she's my room mates girlfriend and I respect her and everything and maybe if we kick it we would be cool and everything but I'm angry and my Mom took away my playstation." "Well that sucks." "Yeah! You know what else is going to suck?! When I shoot your ass you stupid mother fucker." "......uh huh." "So, did you go out with my girl?" "Yeah." "O yeah, what did you guys do?" "Got something to eat, hung out." "What else did you do?" "That was it." "Don't lie to me. I know your lieing to me and that makes me angry. My Mom used to take away my playstion and I was angry all the time and one time at school I saw my friend get punched in the face and it was messed up." ".......I'm gonna hang up now." "Man! Fuck you bitch! I'm gonna shoot you, because I'm angry! And my Mom took away my playstion and this kid got punch and I have a gun. You don't know what I'm packing." "......uh huh, yeah, well I'm gonna go now, you take care." "Alright man, it's cool, later." That was pretty much the conversation. The guy had to be on something. I never heard from him or her again. I sent her a text message like 2 days later saying "You're boyfriend needs to up his meds, lose my number."
  • i met myself in ohio. there we went salsa dancing and ate boat cleaner off of a wooden mirror. good times...

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