• Advice on what?(the text doesn't show the question, so please make the question shorter).
  • Since a few weeks, ok actually a few days, oh what the heck, since the last few hours, I've suddenly started feeling lonely, you know? I mean, I feel like I want someone who I can just hug when I am sad, kiss when I am happy and all. I want 'love' you know? Someone who really loves me for what I am and doesnt expect me to change much or anything...I am not sure why I suddenly started feeling like this. I was just sitting and thinking about how much everyone I love, would love me. Then I realized they must not love me much coz the always keep scolding me for the littlest of things. And then BAM theres a strange feeling in my heart. A somewhat ticklish feeling, but it didnt make me laugh. Though I've never felt it before, I could tell it was heart-ache. Ironic, isnt it? I've had break-ups(that too, online ones with people I've never actually met) but never got a heartache. But now, when I am alone, I get it. Its driving me crazy! Like, since it began, it hasnt stopped! I did control it for a few mins by trying to concentrating on some other work but it keeps coming back. I dont know what to do. I am not even sure I am supposed to feel this way coz I've not even crossed 16. All I know is this heartache is distracting me from everything else and I cant see what I can do about it. I am from a country where going out, let alone kissing, in public is considered very, VERY inapproriate. And moreover, all the girls here are shy to go out with boys anyway. This is real irritating. I know you most probably consider this another file from the 'Same Boring Problems Of A Teenager' kind of thing but it really hurts inside. I wish I live in the US or some place where dating is considered perfectly normal. I did try asking out a few girls here but they either become extremely shy and dont reply, start avoiding me or take offense from my words and complain to parents(which led to some serious awkward moments). Can you PLEASE tell me what I can do??? I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!
  • What you're feeling is perfectly normal. It's part of the human condition to long for love and want someone to be with. It's what compels and drives us. You're also in a phase of life where emotions are intense and hormones overly active. But you're right on schedule, believe me. The intensity of this feeling will pass. And sooner or later, you will meet someone very special. You could date a thousand girls in the US but it probably wouldn't lessen the longing you seem to have for someone to truly love you. You will find've got plenty of time.
  • There is no question.
  • Hey I hope you start feeling better soon. I have been through those feelings a lot. I have found that helping others takes my mind away from my pain and it does pass. Like all feelings. Take care of yourself. Keep talking to people about how you are feeling and try to be willing to let those feelings go.
  • Get a life dude.....No girl, infact no one, likes to go out with someone who cribs about where he stays, without actually doing anything about it....India is a wonderful place...I haven't been there, but my neighbours went there for their honeymoon recently....They've got mostly good things to say about India and it's culture.....U have never been to U.S but u still wish u were is that? Do u know every 1 in 10 ppl go to jail once in their life here? Do u know 50% of marriages end in divorce here? I don think any American girl would have wanted to date someone who does not realise how fortunate he is to be born in a nice country with a rich history and culture...and who constantly wants to be "that some other person born in some other country"....As for ur heartache, u don need a girl to cure it...U just need real love....Get urself a stray puppy.
  • Well it is very common of your age to have problems and it is just fine when you discuss them.
  • EITHER - A. Write poetry. B. Buy a hoodie & hold up the liquor store. C. Go to the foot fetish section, peruse, hit the beach. ;)

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