• Yes, for that usually means that he trusts you completely, and hopes that you won't betray his trust.
  • Jealousy often springs from some insecurity the person experiencing it has about their own ability to keep their partner, or they don't trust their partner completely for some reason. If a boyfriend doesn't ever express any feelings of jealousy, either he is hiding it well, or he doen't actually feel it. If he does indeed not get jealous over anything, he could feel supremely secure in the relationship, or he might be in denial of something which would be cause for others in a similar situation to experience jealousy. That being said, what are you doing that you expect him to be jealous about? And if you expect him to get jealous, perhaps you should re-examine your actions.
  • Yes. It's a great sign that he is secure. Jealousy is a sign of insecurity and immaturity. Lucky you.
  • Yes, why would you want him to be jealous? It is not a way to show love, it is showing insecurity and lack of trust.
  • Well yes and no. I mean of course its great to no have to worry about talking to friends and other people of the opposite sex. It sucks when a guy is overbearing on being jealous. On the other hand most women like a little jealousy because it shows that the man cares about her. Atleast thats what my wife said about me not being jealous. I could care less if she got hit on but if a mofo touched her inappropriatly then its on. That made her feel like I care but I wouldn't call it jealousy because she didn't want to be touched.
  • Jealousy comes from trust. The more you trust someone the less jealous they are. So if he doesn't get jealous then that is because he has so much trust in you.

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