• No, the Romans were actually against the first Christians and their beliefs, but now there's the Roman Catholic Church. People are fickle.
  • First, the Romans were against Christianity. The, the emperor Constantin had a vision that showed him a cross, and a voice said to him "you will win under this sign". So Constantine converted to Christianity and made it to the Roman religion. But it can't be seen as a "weapon", the Christian belief didnt improve Roman warfare, and it wasn't helpful to conquer anything. Christianity could loosely be seen as a weapon in the crusades, because the "holiness" of the war gave them motivation to fight bravely, but this was later.
  • I think Christianity certainly was an advantage many used for their own benefits, because even way back in history we had thinkers and philosophers who might have been equal in theorizing what many do today about Christianity and its indirect elements. The Church for a long time had a much higher say then the ''government'' did, before and after Cardinals or advisers controlled the curtains more then first royal authorities did. Like the Inquisitions which, while killing a bunch of people also netted them land and gold. That was way after the Romans though, and I'm pretty sure that their vast armies and past glories had more to do with conquering then their new found religion. But I don't think it's initially a weapon as much as it is a shield with arrows that come out of it when you strike it, as even the seemingly intentional behaviours of Christianity's past and maybe even present hostilities are, in my opinion, first and foremost powered by psychology.
  • That would be clever if they had.
  • Okay im keeping this short because my last one i accidentally deleted. The romans were against christianity until about 500-600 AD at which time the emperor konstantine dreamed of a burning cross this dream made him allow christianity throughout the land. Eventually widespread christinity tore The Roman empire apart. Not because of outside conflict . But by within quarrels among christian sects. The Roman Empire split in two. Than the Romans collapsed. Only because they loved their religion christianity.

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