• 5'09" 133-143 - small frame 139-153 - average frame (normal) 148-167 - large frame 5'09" 162 lbs (18-24 yrs) 173 lbs (25-34 yrs) 178 lbs (35-44 yrs) 180 lbs (45-54 yrs) 178 lbs (55-64 yrs) source: US National Center for Health Statistics - Male 5'9 - 161 lbs (all ages) source: North American Association for the Study of Obesity - Males "No Consensus One look at the charts will make it obvious that there simply is no consensus as to what "ideal body weight" should be. In reality, it is actually different for every individual and is dependent on health, body fat content and distribution, musculature, age, activity, metabolism, and a host of other factors that are not simple to measure accurately. For these reasons, you and your physician or dietitian must decide what your ideal weight should be. You probably have an idea what that weight is. Start conservatively. And if you reach your target weight and still feel you need to trim off additional weight, you always have option to set a new target goal." Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Body Type Male Female Athlete <10% <17% Lean 10-15% 17-22% Normal 15-18% 22-25% Above Average 18-20% 25-29% Overfat 20-25% 29-35% Obese 25+ 35+%% source: I used 5'9 because that's the "average" height for a US male.

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