• Start charging her rent would be a good start,make it something she would have problems paying,but before you do this,please ask yourself if you want to loose her. what is the reason for wanting her out? I wish you many Blesings and hope you do the right thing.
  • change the locks on the doors, pack up her sh*t & put it on the front porch.
  • why would u wanna do that ???
  • First you teach her how to be self sufficiant.She needs to know how much everything costs,hydro,electricity,water bill,groceries,gas,car insurance!! You need to start collecting rent from her and YOU save it so she will have first and last months rent,eletricity hook up and her first groceries. The role of a parent does not stop at 18.Even though she may be driving you nuts and you need to seperate you will want to have her visit you in your later years! good luck and may God(or whoever you believe in)help you make the right choices!
  • This may be a timely process and requires some work on your part if you want to do it the right way. Encourage her and actively help her get her driver's license, job, school applications... You have to sell the idea of living on her own as better than living with you! Genuinely want her to do better and don't enable her to keep behaving in the ways that are making you want to kick her out. Like if she doesn't contribute to rent or chores, create rules for her to abide by. And explain to her that just like any adult, she has to be responsible. And a very important thing is to lead by example.
  • Change the locks while she's at the mall.
  • Explain to her, that she will have to move out by such and such date, help her find an apartment and things to put in the apartment. Is she ready to move out or are you just wanting her out??
  • Tell her you think it's time she became more independent and help her look for a safe place to live :)
  • Try telling her the following: "Hey, you are 18 now, get out!" that should get the point across clearly!
  • It depends upon the circumstances. If she has been abusive to you in any way, tell her she is no longer welcome, let her pack her things, have her turn in her keys, and send her on her way. If it's because you want her to learn to be more independent, then take some time to help her learn to do so while still in the safety of your home. For example, have her do all her own laundry, cooking, household chores, etc. Make sure she has a job. If she can pay rent, have her pay a nominal amount. Go looking with her to find a decent place for her to go that is safe and affordable.
  • Well, to begin with you should make sure she's ready for it.. Maturity is not only about age, you know. I'm 18, and apart from the fact that I'm still taking an education at a school close to my parents (so there's just no reason atm for me to move out) I don't feel ready for it in any way, while some of my classmates who aren't 18 yet are already looking for a flat to move to as soon as they are
  • out of what? the house, the bed, the car, your life?
  • Keeps happening to me! I intend to write a comment and quite miraculously it turn up as an answer! Some people, including your neighbour's kid, seem to find it a lot easier to understand practice rather than theory! LOL
  • Make sure that can get a job that pays at least $12 USD or she may have to turn to crime. Unless you don't care if she gets in trouble.
  • If you have raised her for 18 years and she is either incapable of living independently or unaware of your expectations...then you are to blame. If this isn't the case and she is just refusing to leave or being abusive or taking advantage of you...change the locks and don't give her a key. Tell her she has two weeks to find alternate living arrangements or she will find her things on the sidewalk.
  • Why should u? dont u care of ur daughter? OMG
  • Talk to her. Tell her what she did wrong- how she knew the rules of your home and how she didnt bother to care enough about you and the family to keep to the rules and show you respect by following the rules and the time has come for her to get out. Give her a deadline to get out and be firm.
  • Find a nice apartment for her to rent. Tell her about it and give her ten thousand dollars to help her out.
  • Shame on you! Not for asking this question but for what you intend to do, and for what you expect others to do, namely become accessories to such a despicable act. Yo do not kick your children out; you brought them into this world, you make sure they adapt to it, and if they don't, you suffer the consequences.
  • You don't. Kids are for life no matter what
  • Tell her she has to move out by a certain date.
  • pack her bags and give her $100 and tell her to be on her way.
  • Well even though 18 is legaly and adult, if you kick her out and she doesnt have money already in the bank shes just going to end up sinking either in debt or getting into crime....Do you really want that?
  • You say 'get out of my house'? I don't know, why? what did she do? Personally I wouldn't - but if i had kids they'd probably leave by choice (although not for ages as it's impossible for me to have a child that old.) You could always make her leave, by really really really annoying her until she chooses to go... as long as she knows you love her. But hey - i'm immature.
  • you don't simple as that. eighteen is too young.
  • It may depend on your State laws. My 17 year old will be 18 in 2 days, I already went to the local police station and posed the question and they said YES, if she does not leave peacefully, call us. Here is the history....I adopted her from the foster care system when she was 9. By the age of 15 she ran away, refused to go to school, and refused court ordered therapy. She has hit me, choked me, stole anything of any value in the home (and lied about it). She has watched cartoons and smoked pot in her room for the past 3 years, laughing at me and telling me to go F myself (while she throws the dirty dishes under her bed). The police have told me NOT to defend myself from her physical attacks, that I WOULD BE ARRESTED. Yippie, in 2 days she will be 18. For the past 3 years, I have had to live by HER rules, now and finally, she will live by mine and GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. I wish her the best, but I am FINISHED!
  • 1) there's the door 2) bye bye 3) don't let it hit you in the ass.
  • VERY SIMPLE: I would give her a 30 day Notice to vacate the premises. If she was not out in 30 days; I'd go to the clerk of court and file a detainer action (EVICTION) on her ... The judge wil then order her OUT when it comes to court. IF she fails to obay the judge; she goes to jail and does not pass GO ..
  • Don't make it look like you are kicking her out. Instead you find someone her age looking for a roommate. Or suggest that her and one of her friends might like to get a place together. If she is like most kids, she will love the idea! But you have to be prepared that if she gets into a bind and can't pay her rent or afford groceries, you are gonna have to help her out. But not if its because she is spending all her money on clothes or partying!
  • Give her a date (30-45 days), remind her of it often, suggest jobs or somewhere to live always being helpful & loving but also stern & then when the date comes, change the locks! best wishes & dont let others discourage you, I know what it is like to have a teen in the house...not easy!!!

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