• He might be lying and he might be telling the truth. I'm sure you know this already. A guy telling you "You're beautiful" doesn't always have to have hidden meanings to it. Just because a guy compliments you doesn't necessarily mean he wants you to automatically become his girlfriend.
  • I'd think he was gently giving me the brush off. Either way, it's not happening. People can say all the nicest, most romantic stuff in the world. But actions always speak louder than words.
  • He's probably telling you the truth, as he sees it at the moment. He might NOT be looking for a relationship, and he might NOT want one at the moment. But love knows no bounds. If he finds the right girl for him (and she has 1/2 a chance of spending any time with him) he won't be able to help himself. That's why I tell anyone who says something like "What's wrong with being single and unattached", "Nothing. But keep your mind open to the possibility that someone will pop into your life when you least expect it, and they will sweep your heart away."
  • When he tells you, he generally actually means it, but feelings are always subject to change. He most likely thinks that at this time, he doesn't want a relationship with you.
  • every man wants a relationship... i mean sex. he is almost definitely does not want a relationship with you. Sorry for being so blunt.
  • We can easily try and see what we read inbetween the lines.. or take what people say at face value. I have had to apply this to myself and it works. Like in school.. give people an A and it is up to them to bring it down to a F. He says he does not want a relationship.. respect him for being honest with you .. he could have lied to get in your pants and take what he wants before letting you know he was not ready to tie up. Him telling you that you are beautiful.. I would believe because he did not have to comment at all. I would assume he is honest and wants what he wants.. and wants you to find someone who wants the same things you do.
  • I am still trying to figure this out with a guy I had been dating for 6 months! He says he loves me, but does not want to be in a relationship right now because he wants to "figure some things out". Does not want to shut the door on "forever", but does not want anything for "now".
  • I think he doesn't want to tie himself down to one person. If he wanted to brush you off there are more direct ways of doing it. He wants to have his cake and eat it too.
  • It is possible. Men always want sex, but not nessisarily a relationship. There are plenty of women that I think are hot that I wouldn't want to spend time with on a regular basis.
  • I'm in the same twist of a problem i really like this guy i said some stuff right to hes face and he said no and said why he told me he wasn't looking for a relationship right now with any one not even if she was the hottest girl in the school now its summer schools out and I'm unhappy with his answer ther most be more to this story and he's getting mad with the same question that he seems dumb about like he forgot every thing why can't he give me answer and a meaning that makes sence pules we don't have much to talk about the problem at school because the teachers say shut up and i really just now what to do i only have time to wait till i go back to school ihope summer ends real fast :( (sight)
  • Was in the same situation, told the same things. Had to end it, it hurt but in the long run was better for me. He just wants to be free. If he doesnt want a relatioship now more than likely he wont want one later.

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