• No, it's not normal, it's plain rude.
  • No! It is the height of rudeness. Remember what goes around comes around - so play nice.
  • No it is not normal, not for most people anyway. There is no need to treat anyone that way...almost everyone has something beautiful about them..except maybe those who go around calling people ugly.
  • I agree with the other answers it's not normal it's rude.
  • I think you would have to be a most wretched horrible person if you tell someone they are ugly and mean it. I think most ugly people realize that they are not attractive. You don't need to tell them that or remind them of it because it hurts enough as it is. Now if you have a suggestion of a certain style that might make them look better you can suggest that. But you shouldn't even hint at the idea that they are ugly.
  • No it is not normal at all. Didn't anyone ever tell you if you can't say somthing nice keep you mouth shut. There is some good advice in that statement. If you tell everyone they are ugly what are you going to do when you might need some help?
  • No its not normal, unless you love taking people down...if you're one of those people you should then be ashamed!
  • Is it normal to tell someone they are Stupid, even if they are Stupid...heck no, its cruel & heartless & just plain rude. Personally I don't think anyones ugly. I think they can act ugly or say ugly things but as for looks no. I can find beauty in anything or anyone. Except for people who are cruel to animals & people!
  • No, it's not normal, but it is more common than it should be. Think about it: why would you tell someone that you think they are ugly, except for the purpose of hurting their feelings? Will it help them in any way to tell them that YOU think they are ugly? And please don't say "Yes, they can try to work on not being so ugly." Who is to say that your idea of ugly is universally accepted?
  • I find that kind of rude.
  • I don't think you should be around ugly people long enough to tell them. Ugly people are hateful, dishonest, lying wretches of humanity. Now. If you are talking about your neighbor Gertrude, with the crooked nose, pimples and stringy black hair - You missed her awesome personality, honesty, beautiful eyes and loyalty. Don't say anything until you look deeper. You missed something. She isn't ugly
  • This is a "drop-a-stone-in-a-still-pond-and-watch-the-ripples" kind of question isn't it?
  • No it is NOT normal because everybody has something beautiful about them. I have known some of the most beautiful ppl on the outside but they were so rotten inside they were rendered ugly every time I looked at them. Plus beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
  • You can if you want to make yourself ugly as well.
  • Yah if you wanna get hurt or possibly killed other than that NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • No, it's rather rude. I try to follow the old addage "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
  • HELL NO noone is ugly beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone is beautiful inside and out
  • I've never told anyone that.
  • I'm shallow.i'll admit it. If i think someone is ugly then i don't talk to them. I don't tell them that they are ugly, unless they won't leave me alone. so yeah.
  • Its rude and only makes the person saying it feel better about themselves since it feeds their ego to put someone down. You can think someone is ugly but do you have to be hurtful and phrase it that way? No. You don't have to say it at all.
  • What ever happened to leaving things better left unsaid? Some people need to get a prescription for a sensitivity pill.
  • If you have been on the receiving end of this type of negativity and have come to believe it here’s how to change things for the better. If you think you are ugly and you keep telling yourself that you are ugly, you will be ugly. Your thoughts determine the quality of your life. What you think - you will be. Try a little experiment - begin taking better care of yourself, use creams and moisturisers, and enjoy long bubble filled soak in the tub. Also start telling yourself how nice you are, how good looking you are - no one can hear you. Go on try it. I promise within a month you will feel like a new person. It will take a little effort on your part, as well as you suspending any negative thoughts you have of yourself.
  • No, it's an unkind thing to say, regardless of whether your personal opinion says otherwise. What is ugly to one person is not ugly to another.
  • It is considered, (by most societies) to be rude and in poor taste to tell someone that they are ugly.
  • Not unless they ASKED for your opinion. Running around telling people hurtful things is pointless and arrogant. What makes a person like that think their opinion is right? Or that their opinion matters? Or that their opinion will change things? Being nasty (even if you call it "honest" because it's your genuine opinion) is just sadistic power-gaming, meant to make the commenter feel powerful by making other people feel bad. It's juvenile, and it's trashy.
  • Yes. It is technically your right in America to have freedom of speech. If you believe that someone is ugly, you are allowed to tell them they are ugly. That is your belief. Now this does not prevent you from getting your face bashed in, but it is normal to tell others, just is frowned upon.
  • I don't think its a good idea.
  • No, keep your bad thoughts to yourself.
  • That would be rude and very unkind!
  • Ugly is, as ugly does.
  • If you think it is absolutely necessary :) If not, comment on a good thing about them.
  • I don't know if it is normal, but it is rude!
  • No, its not normal, and it is not sociall acceptable. It's just rude and immature.
  • I'm going to give you a unique perspective on this, because I live in Ukraine. You can't call somebody ugly here because the word doesn't exist. They just don't think that way. A person can look nice, pretty, or beautiful, but the worst you could say without gross exaggeration (and they don't) is "not nice." Probably the same in Russian and other East European languages. The closest word to "ugly" in the dictionary actually means "misshapen, monstrous," and I just don't hear that. So to answer your question--no, it's not normal, even though it may be American. We are often too cruel to each other, and for very bad reasons.
  • No, it's not normal at all. It's cruel, rude, heartless, hurtful. It's what's on the inside that really counts, not what's on the outside. Telling someone they are ugly is just plain wrong. Think about it, how would you feel if someone said that about you? I seriously doubt you would like it!
  • Maybe if you are a three-year-old.
  • No it's not normal to tell someone they are ugly. You can tell them they are acting ugly, which is a completely different thing. If someone asks if they are ugly or not, it's better to ignore that question, because it's not good to answer questions like that, because there isn't a right answer. Plus, fishing for compliments is dumb.
  • Is it normal to be rude and hurt other people's feelings? "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Place yourself in their shoes; Would you want someone to tell you, "Gee, you are so ugly."
  • No I wouldn't, what would be the purpose of insulting another individual who has no control on the way they look. I think we all know the answer, so remember this what goes around, comes around, and that ugly SOB may save your life one day.
  • No, that's mean, why would you want to hurt their feelings?
  • no. its unnecessary
  • Normal yes, unbelievably rude, yes.
  • It may be normal to THINK it, but to TELL them? You're kidding, right? Look at it this way... How would YOU feel?
  • I have had people tell me that I am ugly and, to be honest, it is very hurtful to be told that. I don't view it as normal, but I do view it as rude. People should know when to keep their mouth shut. It's not very nice at all to say things like that to people and who are you to decide who is ugly anyway? Just my thoughts..
  • It's not normal and it's not nice. That can affect and scar someone for life, and it's considered a part of bullying. Please never do that. It's OK if you think so, but in this case, keep your thoughts to yourself!
  • I think it's ugly to have to even say something like that.
  • No, or it's very unkind.
  • Try it with the next 20 people you see - let us us know what you discover.
  • no, not normal, i think thats just completely rude!
  • Not usually. It's normal to think some people look ugly and/or have an ugly personality, but you'd keep it to yourself. Plus, it's very unwise and hurtful to say it to anybody.
  • Absolutely ain't normal. Simply ill-mannered. Even if they are, we don't spit it out in their face saying 'You're ugly'. Just imagine someone tells you that, how would you feel. Keep it to yourself. It's manners.
  • Nahhh. It's rude.
  • What's the point in that?
  • Not normal, just disrespectful and unkind. Why go out of your way to hurt someone. It serves no purpose other than to hurt then and make yourself look the fool for being so rude.
  • I tell myself that all the time. Just being honest. +5
  • No! Did your parents not bother to teach you manners and did they condone bullying?
  • no, thats not normal and thats ugly to say that

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