• My guess is needs to follow the Bible exactly without deviation or update to modern times. :)
  • No, he should most certianly not sell your sister as a slave to get out of debt. This was an Old Testament custom and it does not apply today. If your dad is in debt, he should sell some valuables to try to get out of debt, and no, people are not valuables. Lives are priceless, and to sell someone for a price is unbelievably demeaning.
  • No, he can only sell her by putting up a notice on the bulletin board of his local 7-Eleven. HAH!
  • I think you get better prices on eBay
  • why doesn't he just sell you instead of the sister.. I am guessing youare guy, but there are many... male strip clubs that you can earn a living at.
  • Only if she is listed as a cash and carry only...I would advertise under 'household'.
  • Here is the link to Ebay Slaves.
  • I'd try eBay as soon as the boycott is over with. It won't be too bad for her, anyway as the Jubilee year is right around the corner and all debts will be forgiven and she can get home again and all your holdings will be just like they were.
  • If he's Jewish, go for it. If he is or ever was a Christian, he needs to take down the ad. Biblical protocal is that Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law nullifying our need to follow it. It was part of the old covenant to follow the Law of Moses. Jesus created a new covenant with His people.
  • List her, it's one of the Top Ten websites in the United States. Ebay will fee you to death.
  • ebay or nothing....
  • how much is that slave in the window the one with the pony tail how much is that slave in the window i sure hope she is for sale (E BAY HER MAN)
  • I think the craigs list policy is no humans for sale... however, tell him to sell a lamp and she comes free with it lol
  • Does she work? No use selling her if she doesn't. Seriously though, I don't know why you continue to bring up these verses, Antigone, when you know that they were applicable only to the ancient Jews. Why must you always try to discredit Christianity and Judaism, when the religions you go after still sell women into slavery (as devadasi) and it is sexual and permanent slavery, whereas Judaic slavery was temporary and resticted to working, unless the master chose to marry the female slave, which was not a bad choice for a poor girl. AFter all, marriages were for life and gave a woman importance, protection and stability.
  • hahahahahahaha The "good" book says so, looks like you have no choice but to follow it hahahahaha I use the word "good", very loosely
  • Probably you misunderstood the verse... its not that you follow them everytime literally. And as for the old testament, it is included in bible to expose the work and sayings of God to the Israelites.And if you see just this verse alone, then you need to consider the other verses too. The same Old testament says you shall give but not borrow. Then as per this verse, your father holds the mistake...why should he borrow? And we can't follow everything literally...the old testament says a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye... Imagine what would happen if we follow that.Then there'll be no perfect person if we follow tit for tat... So I say, these are given for informing us of the old ages, the works of God during those ages and the relation ship people had with God and all those things...They are history.And more than appying the message we get from them literally, try to find the underlying implication of what does the verse mean spiritually. After Jesus came, he combined all the ten commandments into just two Golden rules-"Love others as you would love yourself" and "Honour thy mother and father". So, your father can't sell your sister because he need to love everyone as he would do to himself! Why don't he sell himself?That's not again possible... So, its all about the way you interpret the verses...In most cases, people lack proper guidance in finding the true meaning of such verses.
  • LOL, your dad needs to go to work, budget his money better, and if necessary put you to work.
  • But I just want to sell my brother (anywhere) I"ll give ya $5 buck's to take him.
  • The Old Testament laws do not apply to the New Testament believer. Jesus came as a fulfillment of that law. The only laws that carry over are the ones that are restated in the New Testament and the Ten Commandments.
  • The law is not wrong... it just no longer applies because we are saved under the blood of Christ.
  • Actually, your father can't do anything based on Exodus IF he is actually going to base his decisions on the Bible and you're not just asking a silly question. IF he were going to base his decision on the Bible, it would have to be found in the New Testament, which is the Law under which we live today. See, as you can read in Hebrews 8 (just start from verse 1 and it goes at least through verse 13), the new law made the old law obsolete. That New Testament law made Old Testament law irrelevant doesn't mean that things like the 10 Commandments were never important. But see, Jesus taught everything that we need to follow by, which includes teachings of the 10 Commandments and SO much more! So, I hope that helps!
  • What does she look like and how much does he want for her?
  • You must want your father to go to jail. That law was abolish when Jesus came on the scene. We are under a new Covernant now. Please don't do that. It is against the law in this Country.
  • What country are you in? I'd be willing to bet that, despite whatever the Biblical protocol is for selling your sister, it's still illegal by virtue of the fact that by selling your sister she would become a SLAVE, which has been almost universally OUTLAWED.
  • This thread is full of awesome... I especially enjoy the people who take this question seriously, despite the intent to poke fun at obvious contradictions between the God of the bible's claims of being the source of all goodness and his laws and behavior.
  • Thank God we do not live in ancient Israel. The Bible does not condemn slavery. Colossians 3:22 even states, "Slaves, obey your human masters in everything." This was much debated before and during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), four hundred years after the Catholic Church became one of the first groups to condemn slavery. The condemnation of slavery is one of those nonbiblical doctrines that Catholics have developed through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over the centuries. + In 1462, Pius II declared slavery to be "a great crime" (magnum scelus). Note that this was 30 years before Columbus "discovered" America and 400 years before the U.S. Civil War. + In 1537, Paul III forbade the enslavement of the Indians + Urban VIII forbade it in 1639 + Benedict XIV forbade it in 1741 + Pius VII demanded of the Congress of Vienna, in 1815, the suppression of the slave trade + Gregory XVI condemned it in 1839 + In the Bull of Canonization of the Jesuit Peter Claver, one of the most illustrious adversaries of slavery, Pius IX branded the "supreme villainy" (summum nefas) of the slave traders. + Leo XIII, in 1888, addressed a letter to the Brazilian bishops, exhorting them to banish from their country the remnants of slavery -- a letter to which the bishops responded with their most energetic efforts, and some generous slave-owners by freeing their slaves in a body, as in the first ages of the Church. With love in Christ.
  • that is true, however, we are living in modern times. women who were sold back then were treated kindly, not sold into homes where they'd be raped or mistreated. if your dad sells your sister she'd be miserable, they'd probably rape her and God knows what else. i don't have any biblical protocol for not doing it but i know God would frown down at that act, as the world is such a corrupt place and she wouldn't be safe. no one wants a house slave no a days, they want sex slaves. turn to God in prayer, ask him for help out of your debts. if you're a christian shame on you for asking this question. you should know better. selling your sister should be the last thing on your mind, if you guys were really planning on doing that that's awful. should think about selling you instead.
  • Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law. All requirements of the law were fulfilled in his life, death and resurrection. The law became null and void when he paid the supreme sacrifice. The law also required stoning for those who blasphemed the Word of God. I would be very careful what you or the people who answer your question say about the Word of God. A far greater punishment awaits those who refuse the invitation to salvation now available.
  • no wonder your dad is in debt; any financial advisor would be the first to point out the greater return would be on a series of short term leases
  • Haha. . . intensly LMAO!! Sell your sister as a slave . . . too funny!
  • I say good luck to you all when the police come knocking on your door. You seem to be ignoring the law. The bible is not above the law.
  • Your father can declare the First Amendment and cross over to the HQ :) He'll find Moses there, but no requirement to sell his daughter to repay his debt. Why, he might even get his debt repaid for him as according to HQ 9:60 "Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to true God); for those in bondage and IN DEBT; in the cause of God. and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom"

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