• They die in the new movie. But since they never really existed in the first place (fantasy characters are not real) they can not really die at all.
  • Cyclops and Xavier have never died (to the best of my knowledge), but Jean Grey has died and been brought back by the Phoenix Force on multiple occasions (well, at least once).
  • well yes the all died except wolverine if you read the wolverine comics, but i belive they all are brought back to life......... and in the movie, xavier didnt die..... watch after the credits, if you remember the lesson that x was having with the student about that man that was born with no mind but all his organs and other body systems worked, x transferred his mind into that man.
  • well i think cyclops died totally but jean will rise and prof x. transferred his mind. fin
  • Actually when the Phoenix force was in Jean's body, it really wasn't in her body. It only copied her appearance and Jean was found in a telekinetic cocoon after the Phoenix was destroyed.
  • The short answer is: Yes, they all have. I seem to recall they even made a joke about it one episode, where Cyclops remarks, "I've died twice." Then he turns to Wolverine and says, "And you've died...?", to which Logan replies, "Eh, I've lost count..."
  • Nobody dies in the Marvel Universe!

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