• I believe it's until age 18 and up to age 22 if they continue to college, but I do not if each state might have it's own particular regulation.
  • Usually it's until the child turns 18 though there are exceptions for special circumstances.
  • In most states, until the child reaches the age of majority. Most states extend this by up to a year if the child is still in high school. Some states have proposed extending the period through college, but as far as I know this has never been implemented. If anybody knows otherwise, please cite the state and statute.
  • It makes a difference where (which state) the order for child support was issued - the law of that state as to the duration of the child support obligation will always control. Most states have cs go until the child is 18. Some - until 22 or 23/graduation from undergrad college, whichever is sooner.

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