• I think it just depends on what order the answers were rated. There *has* to be a top answer.
  • In every question, there must be a top answer. If at least two answers have the same amount of points, then they order by date response. The earlier date will get the top answer.
  • Then I think the answer that was received first would be placed first and others in a similar order.But that's just for ordering.If all have same points, then they all deserve to be considered as top answer.
  • I've noticed that it is like first come first served. If you are the first answerer with the most points, you get listed first 'formally'. However if you are the person who answered, it may come up as you're the top answer if you are tied with someone else.
  • I don't think it has anything to do with first come first served, unless maybe you have the most points. Because I have answered may questions first, only to later be down the list because someone else has more points! : )
  • The top answer will be judged on the basis of the level of answerers in that case.

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