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  • Just say sorry, Its quicker :-)
  • The way to win an argument with your girlfriend is to agree with her and to frame your argument in such a way as it appears to be supporting hers. (Trust me I'm married).
  • in the event you do apologize immediately--will save much hassle later on-winning an argument with someone you plan on sleeping with is a lose lose proposition at best---just my thoughts---smile and enjoy the day---good question
  • You wait till she's asleep to finish the argument, that way she can't talk back to anything you say:P "So I'm right, right honey?" "zzzzzzzz" "Okay then, I'll take that as a yes!"
  • If you win, that means she loses. I think it's better for both sides to win and end up standing on the same side. Winning arguments causes resentment and can keep the conflict going.
  • I am a girl myself. And i know how it is like ok? I have one at least one in a week. (unless my sis is overseas) Girls will NEVER or very unlikely that they would concede with ur idea or perception of whatever u r arguing about. This is just our territorial streak. Guys... I know it's hard but take it from me.. u can survive. First, my all-time winning method- confusion. Change the subject that is related and is preferably humorous. Babble a lot and try not to boil up too much and hit her. This is rather easy for me cause i am a peace-loving person. The other- Cold, hard evidence. That will certainly shut her up. I am unable to come up with any other ideas but u must be diligent and patient with her. Really, they can be stubborn as hell. Especially if they r pessimists. If this is about sth u did wrong and it's REALLY ur fault then say sorry. Excuses r fine but they usually will make them more angry. Excuses are just reasons as to y u did wrong. What is their problem?! Hope this has been an insightful tip to help u handle those wild mares! :)

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