• Autopsies for "suspicious deaths" are categorized as Priority 1!
  • It depends entirely on how busy the MEO is - with our MEO (which is pretty darn busy), homicides are usually taken care of in 1-2 days, and everything else as soon as possible after that. But we also have five doctors on staff, and they work a good 5-6 autopsies a day. That's a lot of work. DR63833, the thing is (like I mentioned in another answer), you need to get all the info together and go hire a professional if you have questions. While I am a CSI, I cannot really give you any satisfactory answers to your questions because I do not have a case file to look at. (Before you ask, sorry no, I'm not for outside hire because of where I work.) Really, just google 'crime scene reconstruction' and find a expert with good qualifications, pay them their money, and get their opinion. It's not that I don't want to help, it's exactly the opposite, because I _do_ want to help! It's just impossible without all the information. Take care. Edit - The Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction maintains a website of members offering professional services - . Some of them offer case evaluation services free in cases like yours, as long as civil litigation is not your goal.

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