Yes, I do believe that.
I'm not a Christian so I don't hold that belief...
No...for everybody, but I'll never try to make you believe it if you don't want to...I believe people have to make their own choices and accept the consequences.
Well, Jesus died for everyones sins. That makes us no special!
He was killed for his beliefs and for that, I respect and admire him. Did he die for me personally? No, I don't think so.
Well, yes. But I'll never force anyone else to believe so as long as they respect me and my religion.
I personally believe that but to each is own
No, actually I find it very unusual. Jesus is the son of god. God is omnipotent, therefor god can change and make anything. Why did god make humans full of sin, therefor forcing him to send his son down to die for our sins? Would it not have been easier to just make humans without sin?
no i don't...but that may be because I am not a Christian and only Christians believe in that.
I believe He did.
In the past, people used to use animal sacrifices to atone for their sins. (The animal took on all your sins and was killed for it.) Jesus came to replace that forever. Reason he could do it? He is God in the form of man. If a person refuses to accept this belief, then they are taking the responsibility of sin upon themselves, therefore taking on the punishment too (hell and death). It's hard from some to understand, but the point isn't to scare people (even though it is scary), but it's to say, Jesus took it on, you don't have to. Accept his love and live like his example (goodness), instead of hurting yourself all the time. It gets easier when you talk to God, rather than trying to live this life alone. So obviously, yeah...I believe with everything I am.
No, i don't even believe he existed.
I used to, but the more I hear about it, the less I believe it.
Nope. He may have thought he was...
Historically the fact that Jesus existed cannot be disputed. Our very calendar revolves around his birth. Historians (secular) recorded very accurately the events of Jesus death. If ANYONE had a cause and a reason to cover the existence of Jesus it was the Jews of the time. The Romans didn't care either way so to say that Roman historians were fraudulent is illogical. Did he die for my sins? The philisophical account of WHY Jesus died is recorded in 4 different accounts of the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. History shows there was no collusion between them, and the game of chinese whispers teaches us that stories are easily misquoted given just a few seconds. There is no discrepency in the four accounts so I take that as fact. The Old Testament states the REASON for the son. To redeem. Bottom line, you are either a Christ-ian (follower of Jesus Christ) or you are not. If you believe He existed it would be foolish to deny His purpose as stated. Do I believe it. Absolutely.
No I don't. And even if he did, it was just cheap symbolism -- an empty gesture. Consider: The true measure of sacrifice is what is given up in order to achieve one's ends. Jesus is already 33 years old when he gets crucified. Which means he gave up -- what? Ten, maybe 25 years at most, living as a rabbi in a Bronze Age backwater. And in exchange, he gets to RULE, in PARADISE, forEVER. Where's the sacrifice? Where's the nobility in that? The story of the crucifixion only works as a noble sacrifice if THIS is the only life we get; but Jesus so readily goes along with his father's/his own plan precisely BECAUSE he knows he's going to get up again in half a week's time. And besides -- is it REALLY a sacrifice if you take it back three days later?
no, he just got executed like anyone else.
No, I don't
Yes, that is what I believe.
No. I am undecided on whether he even existed and deeply sceptical of the "historical" tales attributed to him and being an atheist have no faith in his divinity.
yes, with all my heart.
Did Jesus die on the cross? Let the man himself answer that, and for the answer think about what he is saying in Matthew 12:40 “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” Let us assume the reporter has got it right, at least the part we’ll be looking at. Jesus is saying that his state in the tomb will be as the state of Jonah in the belly of the whale. Now, what was the state of Jonah in the belly of the whale – dead? No, ALIVE, against all odds ALIVE, it was by appearance certain death, yet he was ALIVE. So what’s Jesus saying that he’ll be dead? No, ALIVE, against all odds ALIVE, it will be by appearance certain death, yet he will be ALIVE. Either that or Jesus was lying. Did Jesus die for you and me? A distinct possibility if the Gospels had said something like this: 102. Then, when (Jesus) reached (the place of) sacrifice with the people, the Prophet said: "O young man! I see in vision that I offer thee in sacrifice for the sin of mankind: Now see what is thy view!" Jesus said: "O Prophet! Do as thou art commanded: thou will find me, if God so wills, full of Patience and Constancy!" But none of the Gospels chosen for inclusion in the NT says anything like it. Instead we learn that the Jews wanted to stone him, and when he enquired why “The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.” John 10:33. When they took him to Pilate, and Pilate was not convinced that the crimes of Jesus warranted death the Jews “were the more fierce, saying, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place” Luke 23:5
I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, so that would be a big YES. :-)
No. I don't have any evidence that he died for you or for me. However, if he did, I would not hesitate to thank him. Faith is an interesting thing, though. I don't know if I could be compelled to take the word of any number of people that someone lived and died and saved me. However, the catch is that if I were saved, then it is that very salvation that has resulted in the dearth of evidence pointing to a conclusive savior. I will say that I believe a great Creator watches over me and that in His infinite wisdom he may have sent many sons and daughters to ensure the salvation of men over the eons, but if he really had one with a name he wanted me to remember, he would have sent me a memo.
Long before the Christian era, crosses were used by the ancient Babylonians as symbols in their worship of the fertility god Tammuz. The use of the cross spread into Egypt, India, Syria, and China. Then, centuries later, the Israelites adulterated their worship of Jehovah with acts of veneration to the false god Tammuz. The Bible refers to this form of worship as a ‘detestable thing.’—Ezekiel 8:13, 14. The Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John use the Greek word stau•ros´ when referring to the instrument of execution on which Jesus died. (Matthew 27:40; Mark 15:30; Luke 23:26) The word stau•ros´ refers to an upright pole, stake, or post. The book The Non-Christian Cross, by J. D. Parsons, explains: “There is not a single sentence in any of the numerous writings forming the New Testament, which, in the original Greek, bears even indirect evidence to the effect that the stauros used in the case of Jesus was other than an ordinary stauros; much less to the effect that it consisted, not of one piece of timber, but of two pieces nailed together in the form of a cross.” As recorded at Acts 5:30, the apostle Peter used the word xy´lon, meaning “tree,” as a synonym for stau•ros´, denoting, not a two-beamed cross, but an ordinary piece of upright timber or tree. It was not until about 300 years after Jesus’ death that some professed Christians promoted the idea that Jesus was put to death on a two-beamed cross. However, this view was based on tradition and a misuse of the Greek word stau•ros´. It is noteworthy that some ancient drawings depicting Roman executions feature a single wooden pole or tree, so Jesus did not died on a cross.
I believe Jesus died for some, not for all.
Did he ever actually say he would do that?
No, I do not
I believe that He died for me and all others who belive in Him.
I'm a devout mormon and i do believe that jesus died on the cross for both you and me. I'm glad you asked the question
No. He died on the cross because, rightly or wrongly, he was judged to be surplus to requirements.
I don't only believe it....I KNOW IT!!
Yes he died for all of us so that our sins could e forgiven
no, but whoever does is fine by me, and whoever doesn't is fine by me as well
Yes but this site never works.
Yes. He died so we could be free from sin and enter Heaven.
He died like so many idiots because he got in the way of the rulers.
Jesus who?
i dont believe that he did, i KNOW that he did. and thats why i can have a personal relationship w/ him.
If one is born again--yes Jesus died for you. if not then no Christ only died for the ones the father gave him and of those he loses none. Christ did not die for everyone, only for His people to save his people--not everyone--from their sin
Nope. You weren't born. I wasn't born. Get real.
Nope. And don't you ever go pinning that rap on me either!
Jesus Christ died for all those that are given to look for Him. The reward is found in Jesus Christ.
Every one who have needs will know where, when, what,which and how to get his/her needs met. When Jesus came, he came with an invitation to those who needed it.. and believed that it will work for them. Many through the centuries have never been the same again. Yes He did changed me for the better.
No, Jesus doesn't know me. We've never sat down and had a cup of joe. I've never awoken from a drunken stupor to Jesus yelling "Incoming." Jesus never help me learn to drive. Jesus didn't do a damned thing in my life, and that's swell by me. Jesus died on the cross for Jesus, and no one else. What an arrogent prick, "I died for EVERYONE."
I believe it is quite possible that the MAN described in the bible was crucified. There is enough historical evidence and writings, not only in the Bible, to support this. After all, if we realize the dilemmas in that land at that point in time, how it's armies were taken by Pompey and was under Roman rule through a line of puppet kings, and how the people were eager for a man to lead them from this bondage. Also if we take the genealogy of Jesus as described in the Bible, HE was the rightful heir to the throne, being as how he is a direct descendant of the house of David, via Solomon.. If there were to be a "King", for political reasons it very well might of been Jesus....This would have lead the Gov. to want him dead and Crucifixion was the popular way of disposing of criminals and dissidents.....Do I believe he died for "me"... NO... I believe IF Jesus was indeed a living being, his importance would have been that of a political nature, NOT that of a divine purpose.. He was, according to the Bible quite conflicted about his impending death..."My God , my God. Why hast thou forsaken me?".....He was a man not the son of God so he could not have died for me...
yes. youd be a complete idiot not to. doesnt it seem more likely that god made the world then gases. also i feel sorry for those who dont belive in him they bought a one way ticket to hell.=]
Nope. Given that was alleged to have happened nearly 2000 years before my birth, he couldn't have done it for me - or you - without being the biggest co-dependent that ever was. And we can't hold people that emotionally troubled fully responsible for their actions.
I absolutely do.
There is no doubt in my mind.
I wasn,t around at that time so i don,t think so.
Yes he did to take away all our sins. But we need to belive in him to reach him!
Yes I do!
Absolutely no way! And, if anybody choses to do something that stupid, it sure as hell ain't my fault!
Yes, absolutely. He died for all but few will choose Him.
Yup, for me, you and the whole world.
No I do not; God says in Quran: 4:157 And their saying: “We have killed the Messiah Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of God!” And they had not murdered him, nor killed him by crucifixion, but it appeared to them as if they had. Those who dispute are in doubt of him, they have no knowledge except to follow conjecture; they did not kill him for a certainty. 4:158 Instead, God had raised him to Himself; and God is Noble, Wise.
"Christ died for our sins" comes from Paul/Saul. Christ didn't teach anything like that. Reference:
Nope. I don't don't know that he died on the cross, but if he did, those of us who weren't to be born to 2,000 odd years had nothing to do with it nor did we enjoy a gain because of it - so - I can't think of any reason it possibly could have been, "...for you and me" +5
no, i dont believe in comic books.
Nah, I believe he died on the cross because he got a bee in his bonnet, got in peoples faces and rubbed them up the wrong way and they got sick of him and crucified him.
I always thought He died on the crossed because of the ignorance of those who put Him there and wanted Him to prove His powers. "Save yourself!!" Just a theory.
He died on a " STAUROS" an upright pole or stake...not a cross... And only the obedient will benefit from his sacrifice...
Yes, no doubt in my mind.
Yep. Not a doubt in my mind.
Yes, most definantly!
Yes, I do believe HE died for me and for all of humanity! JESUS is the ONLY WAY, the TRUTH and LIFE! I live, because of HIM.
No, I wasn't even around when he was murdered or was it martyred?
not a chance
i dont think so, but if it did happen and was one day proved to be true well then u have gotta admire him for his guts
NO. I don't believe in fairy tails.
Yes - absolutely.
certainly didn't do it for Himself. Roman and Jewish history confirm that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on pass over for blasphamy. He was either a crazy lyer, or was indeed who whe said He was. Lyers don't teach moral value like Jesus did.
yes, I do. How awesome! He cares soooo much for us.
most definately
No. And even if he did what gives him the right?
yes. i believe he died for everyone that would accept him into their hearts and become his followers.
Yes, I believe with all my heart!
yes, very much
always have always will. and i will continue to pass around the word until my days on this earth are over.
Yeah... and for all of you who don't...i'll pray for you that one day you'll realize that he did die for every single one of us. he loves us all, but not enough people love him back.
Yea only if you have except him as your personal Savior.
Yes I think I do.
Sure do :D
Nope. If he existed, he died on the cross for the perceived Roman crime of "treason", which is more accurately described as "annoying the people in charge".
No I don't, but if it makes you happy I have no problem with you believing it. Just don't try to preach to me - I am as set in my beliefs as you are in yours. Religion is a crutch; use it to support you through hard times, don't wave it around like a weapon.
you and me? we weren't alive back then...Lol.
yes died on the cross for everyone who will accept him in their lives.
Yes I do.
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