• Shoot them. No really, shoot them. Use a stolen pistol, burn the bodies in a very high temp heat bath. I would suggest using napalm. Spread the remains in the ocean. Or...not. Let it go, revenge isn't worth it.
  • you can go to any hunting supply store and by this thing called a BUCK BOMB (it is like in a small spray can just ask for it.)and set it off in their car. (it smells really bad for months.)
  • Get good grades. That'll teach them!
  • You can't escape the wrath of your PERMANENT RECORD!!!!
  • Here is what I did as a student: 1) Went to a bait shop and bought 100 crickets. We then dumped the crickets in Ms. Rodeheaver's file cabinet. During homeroom she opened the file cabinet and all hell broke loose. We heard chirping for months. 2) We opened a can of asparagus and placed it inside the heating duct in Ms. Love's class. If you've ever smelled warm, rotting asparagus you'll know just how bad this is. 3) You know those music pieces from Hallmark cards - the ones that sing when you open them? Get about four of them and place them under your desk legs. During class rock the leg back and forth so the release on the thing is set and the music plays. Before show knows where the music is coming from, you've set the leg down. 4) If your teacher happens to drive a car with a sunroof (and our tennis coach did) and they leave it open during the hot days (and he did), you can stuff his car with packing peanuts. You can buy these cheap from a packing store or have a brother that works in a warehouse and ships packages all day. Just dump about 50 gallons worth of the stuff in his car. He'll remember you until the day he dies. Funny stuff. (grammatical edits only)
  • You can't. It's your teacher. You are the student. They are the authority figure. If something happened that is really upseting you or might be a matter for discipline on the teacher's end, go to the administration. You do have some rights. But revenge on a teacher for revenge's sake or because you don't like him or her is idiotic and an unbelievably immature way to handle a dispute. Please. Grow up. Do what those of us in the real world do when we have a problem with a co-worker or boss: deal with it. File a complaint. Talk to the person and let them know you are unhappy. Bitch about him to your friends. Make a voodoo doll in their image and imagine them having crotch rot. But don't try and "get back at" them. It won't end well for you.
  • what has the teacher done to you to - did you get detention?

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