• It's possible that you may cause the mother to reject it, I believe due to your scent now being on the infant.
  • hello readers I have been breeding for 2 years now and i am very good!!!If you want to touch a newly born bunny it will be fine!!!The mother will not hurt of klill them!!!The thing that gets the mother rabbit mad is if you ignor her and only play with the baby bunnnis!!!You have to treat tem equily!! If you bother the mother that is another thing that will get the mother mad!!!So is you want to touch them the go right ahead SHE WONT REJECT THEM!!!!for more questions visit me ant my email adress at i can answer any questions you have with your rabbit!!
  • The generally accepted answer has always been what BlahJay stated. I have, however, raised a batch (8) of bunnies that were tossed out of the pen by the momma, picked up in the mouth of a German Shepherd and put in a feeder (no kidding), and then handled by myself and the children while we attempted to bottle feed them (thinking that they were tainted). I got sick of it, and locked the doe down with the 8, and she took over and raised them.
  • If it's a wild bunny, the mother MAY reject it because it smells funny, and like it's sick or something. If it's a captive bunny, the mother will be familiar with your scent and should not mind at all. Just be gentle.
  • Nothing. Rabbits do NOT abandon their young because of human scent, they do not eat their young because of it. Those are all myths. Just be careful and don't disturb the babies when she is in the nest as she only goes in there once or twice a day. Check them out, and then cover them back up with the fur to keep them warm. You don't have to cover your smell by rubbing her or washing with something. Just be gentle and quiet and don't stress the mother. Even wild rabbits don't do this. Most wild animals won't do this. It isn't true.
  • You need to look and touch them when they are born to make sure they are alive and doing okay. The mother rabbit is used to how you smell already. So go ahead and do it if you need to.
  • my rabbit had her first litter a few months ago, and Im sure that they will be fine if you dont handle them too much. If you have already touched them then thats OK but dont over do it just incase, you wouldn't want to find that the mum had rejected them due to you touching them too much would you? By the time they are 2/3 weeks old you can pick them up properly and give them a well waited cuddle! Have fun!
  • Some mothers do get a little worried when seeing you in the nest. They don't however reject or mutilate their young if you touch them. I breed french dwarf and mini lops and i handle all mine from birth. If i have an doe who seems worried then i distract her with her favourite treat first OR let her out for a run.
  • THE WILL NOT REJECT IT! Don't worry! Only birds do that if a human sent is on their egg.

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