• Well... ignore them. If their constant tries to compete against you goes unnoticed they will tire out very quickly and calm down. If they are constantly putting you down, tell them this: When you cannot be better, you belittle. =)
  • I ignore them
  • Yeah. Ignore them. Life's too short.
  • I could actually use some help on this subject also. I have been working in the office of this company for 2 years now. Just recently 1 women in the office left for a new job and another girl from another dept. was moved into my dept. to take her place. When she first came into the dept. it was hard to train her because she acted like she already knew everything. When Im talking to a coworker and trying to train them I don't like to "talk down to them" I just want to make sure they have an understanding of the job. Ever since she has been in my dept. she likes to "talk down" to me and belittle everything I do. She even tries to find things that I do wrong and take it to the boss. Almost like she picks on me at everything I do. She makes me feel like Im not wanted there and makes me feel like I dont do my job correctly. I must be doing a good job though because my boss does not tell me otherwise. I just feel like she does not want me in the dept. I am tired of being belittled by her and also in front of other employees. I am to the point that I want to look for another job. She also likes to talk to other employees behind my back about me. If anyone has any advice that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • You don't. Be kind and avoid them. Laugh at them if you need to.
  • Ignore-it's drives them nuts.
  • Let them be jealous and competitive well I get on with my life.
  • Ignore them. Don't let them get in the way of your success. It will only destroy you. Just my thoughts..
  • deaal with jealousy all the time. I am in my mid 20's drive a nice luxury vehicle, dress well, am in great shape and people can tell I am confident without me saying a word. I catch people looking all the time and it gets annoying. I can do something as simple as be at a red light and the person next to me will stare at my vehicle, or I could be at the gym and I catch others looking at my calves. I am a self motivated and driven person and I grew up poor because my parents were poor. I always found that to be a motivation. Now that I have somedegree of success people are jealous of me. Before I used to get made fun of, now I get the green eye. Lately if I catch someone looking I ask "what are you looking at" and they immideately turn the other way. I was so angry about it the other day when I pulled up at a Sonic drive in for a slush I caught a guy and his girlfriend staring into my HID lights, so I flashed my lights and flipped them off and got out of the car and asked "what the fuck are you looking at" and the guy was a weak coward so he said nothing and they pretended like they didnt hear me. So BOTTOM LINE: MOST PEOPLE THAT ARE JEALOUS , I have found they are weak cowards and hate you because everytime they see you in a luxury car, nice clothes, and physically fit it reminds them how pathetic they are and they cant stand it. Just you being around makes them look bad and rather than up their game they would rather hate you. COWARDS!People like that have weak minds and personalities. They usually are in groups for reassurance.
  • Shimmy around them and keep going :)
  • in order to live a contentful life, jealous competitive people shouldn't bother you... but that's easier said than done.. i'm personally scared of jealous competitive people.. no tellin what they'll do when people are that insecure and i'm not infallible... tough world.. if someone knows a real answer, notify me :P
  • I don't. I don't have the time or space in my life to deal with that kinda crap.
  • I recently encountered a competitive person who did and said some things that deeply hurt me, but made her the center of attention. My advice is NOT to try to compete with a competitive person, but unfortunately I feel that this type of behavior is rewarded in the workplace. Keep focused of your goals and contributions, and do your best!
  • Take a bag of pee and rip it over their head... and then say yo mama:)
  • Tempting too
  • What about someone you are close to? Like a family member or friend, someone you care about?
  • I have a similar problem at work with a couple of my co-workers. I am very pleasant & easy to get along with but I have a temper when being picked on. I blew up once at work (my boss) and they are trying to see a re-play. I will never give anyone that control again. So I ignore and laugh at them when I really want to hurt them for hurting me. I pray alot, which helps. I am also writing everything down, every little thing. They don't realize that this is harrassment and when the time is right they will be reported. If anyones leaving that job, it won't be me. So in the meantime, I'll just keep laughing at them.

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