• exit wound
  • I would assume the exit, the bullet would most likely enter more cleanly than it would exit.
  • Agreed. You would probably bleed more from an exit wound, if there was an exit wound, as the bullet would gather matter and lose velocity as it ripped from your body. but I suppose you might also bleed more from any wound based on its location.
  • Depends on the type of bullet used
  • Depends, On a hollow point most certainly an exit wound. On most bullets actually it would be the exit wound, but not always.
  • that question would depend on where you hit the person, The exit wound would bleed more than the entrance because of all the flesh that is cut through before exiting the body. And this is to be true of all the big game I have hunted through out North America
  • It depends, I have never had Exit wounds, All 10 times I have had Multi Bullet wounds to my chest They all lodged in my chest I have had 34 Bullets hit my chest and there is still 8 Bullets in my body

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