• guilt is a negative emotion that will not accomplish anything. you and your siblings might consider discussing what you want the outcome of the situation to be and behave accordingly.
  • It takes more than siblings to create a reason for divorce. I wouldn't feel guilty but I would put my fathers feelings first. If you father wishes to leave her it should be up to him. Kids will eventually move out of the home and get a spouse of their own - where does that leave your father - Home all alone? Everyone wants to be loved and needed.
  • yes,you will also notice that your answer is in your question.
  • I doubt this the reason they are getting divorced. Don't feel guilty, adults get divorced because of other problems, but not usually because the kids don't like the parent's spouse. There is a reason totally unrelated to you and your siblings, believe me.
  • Yes and no. It takes more than unhappy children to end a marriage, but they can contribute to its end. You might like to ask yourselves if you are being reasonable in your dislike of her. Is she not a nice person? Or is it that you don't like her "taking your mum's place"? If it is the latter, then you might like to get some counselling on how to react better to the situation. Your dad wants to be happy, but he is caught between his love (from birth) for you and his new love for her. Why not think it over carefully and see what you and your siblings can do to make things better in the home, both for your stepmum, and for you...ultimately that will help dad greatly. (Of course, if stepmum is Cinderella-like, you might like to talk to dad about it and see what can be done to make the situation easier. Maybe living with your own mum.)
  • This sounds like a good example of lack of communication within the family. You should be able to discuss this type of question with your father. If there is failure to communicate, it could explain the whole thing.
  • do you think it's that or did your dad tell you so? either way that isn't the entire reason for a divorce, there must've been something between their marriage itself not dealing with the entire family that also led to the divorce. my parents are split too i hope you get through this, but just know it's not you're fault, and while the guilt is normal, the divorce concerns your father and hopefully you can be there for each other right now i hope for the best for you
  • If your father wanted to stay in the marriage and work it out, he would. Regardless of you and your siblings. I really wouldn't put any blame on myself if I was you. Sometimes things don't work out, and it's always for a lot of different reasons, never one thing. Be supportive of both of your parents as people. Their divorce doesn't mean they are divorcing you as a person, it's between them.
  • Yes. How do you even debate if you should feel guilty or not? Guilt is an absolute emotion - no grey there. Seek professional help.

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