• Animal hater .... lol or you can try son of a b*tch
  • a hunter?
  • I found "Misothery", meaning a hatred and contempt for animals and animal-like aspects of nature. Misothery manifests itself in the form of animal exploitation, environmental degradation, etc. (from: Apparently it's a word coined by animal rights activist Jim Mason. An interview excerpt: Q. You have coined a term called "misothery". What does this mean and is it related to misogyny at all? A. The word misothery (miz OTH uh ree) is coined from two Greek words, misos, "hatred", and ther, "wild beast" or "animal". Thus it means, literally, "hatred of animals". More broadly, it means hatred/contempt/despising of animals/animality/nature. It is very similar in construction, meaning and use to the more familiar word misogyny, which comes from the Greek root words misos and gune, "woman". There are all too many examples of misogyny, of course. Maybe one of the most common is an attitude expressed in one of Norman Mailer's works: "Most men who understand women at all feel hostile toward them. At their worst, women are low, sloppy beasts." Plenty of other examples can be found in X-rated pornography and some of the writings of the Marquis de Sade and the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. These are hateful attitudes; they indicate strong contempt and loathing. I coined misothery because I could find no word in the English language to express the similar sort of strong, negative feeling about animals, animality and nature. The word "speciesism" is too mild, as it means merely discrimination or inequality of regard. Similarly to "sexism" and "misogyny", sexism is discrimination, un-equal treatment; misogyny is strong hatred and contempt for women. "Speciesism" connotes unequal regard for animals; "misothery" connotes vicious, strong, deep hatred and contempt for animals. For example, just look at "animal" in any dictionary: One meaning is "an inhuman person; brutish or beastlike person", someone who is horribly cruel and violent. Other examples of misothery are our traditional attitude toward wolves, rats, snakes, cats, bats and other species who challenge us or threaten us in some wayÑor so we believe. (I say traditional because these attitudes are slowly changing in some places.) Misothery arose in the first place as early agriculturalists learned to demystify and control the forces of nature--by clearing forests, damming rivers, irrigating crops, selecting seeds, and--above all--enslaving animals and controlling their lives. In that early stage, they still had the leftovers of the Paleolithic-era regard for animals as ensouled beings who represented the spirits and powers of a greater, more mysterious natural world. Animals were more or less sacred. As agriculturalists took over nature, they had to bring animals down off their pedestal, so to speak. They were needed not as gods, but as property and commodities. The old beliefs in the animal powers had to go in order to make way for animal slavery. As with any form of slavery, the slavers had to reduce the status and strip away the dignity of the enslaved. Thus misothery begins to be seen in the art, legends, myths and laws--the culture--of early agrarian societies. By the time history begins c. 3,000 BC, misothery (and misogyny) are overtaking and displacing the earlier views of animals (and women). (from:
  • Cheney
  • They are usually called animal haters, but if you want to say that in Greek, you could use misozoist...

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