• If after a brief humping he emits a little grunt or squeal and then falls over on his side and gets off, THAT'S a mating. Of course it doesn't mean she's pregnant but it does mean he has done his job. Then you immediately remove the doe from his cage (it has to be his cage and not the other way around or he doesn't feel dominant enough and she might fight him)and place her in her own cage. You might repeat it in about 2-12 hours, but that's it. No more. You run the risk of impregnating her more than once and that's a bad thing.
  • Yep i agree!! The buck will grunt or even squeal and fall off the doe sidewards or even backwards. Some bucks will then thump their back feet triumphantly afterwards.
  • well when the buck falls off one side of the doe often taking a mouth full of fur with him and grunts, mating is done. STOMPING HIS FEET MEANS WARNING. TO WORN OTHER RABBITS! IT MEANS NOTHING OF THE SORT!!!! anyway well some breeders leave the doe in the ducks hutch for an hour while others leave them together over night. both work...

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