• i never heard that before...where are you from?
  • She isn't. Anyone who says that has some serious issues, and so does anyone who listens to them.
  • I have never heard anything like this before, I feel sorry for you living where you live if this is common there.
  • I have never heard of that before. As a matter of fact I don't like your question. If you believe that then I feel sorry for you.
  • Actually, it must be just where you live. Where I live, it's normal for white women to date black men!
  • Dude, I dont know where you heard that from tbut must be living in the dark ages!
  • She isnt. I dont know where you got your information on peoples general social opinions of someone, but they are pretty screwed up. Black guys with white girls or white guys with black girls, it doesnt matter. End of story.
  • It sucks, living where you are. Doesn't it? Some places are open-minded. But not like places where we live. Some areas have backwards sex laws.
  • Even in the deep south it's not like this. Maybe it's that way in backwoods Appalachia
  • in really life it seems to me that there are much more black man-white woman couples around than white man-black woman couples, and i think the society are quite used to it.
  • I never heard of that. I only heard of what David Allen Coe labeled them as. -Brad
  • Where on Earth do you live?
  • Maybe this is how you feel and you're assuming others do as well. But,that isn't the case for me and many others as you can see. And whoever belives this is very misinformed. And who cares about what others think anyway.
  • I can assure you that neither I, nor anyone I associate with, think this. Furthermore I doubt that it is terribly prevalent anywhere that is not backwards.
  • I've never heard of this. In racist communities I've observed that in the latter situation, the black male is more likely to be labeled. People will say that he's trying to gain status by sleeping with a white woman, which is a really racist assumption. But I don't think that most people outside the south have a problem with interracial relationships.
  • Racism. Still very alive in some countries. Such labelling is not the rule where I live, though. "In the Western world certain jurisdictions have had regulations banning or restricting interracial marriage in the past, including Germany during the Nazi period, South Africa under apartheid, and many states in the United States prior to the Supreme Court's 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia. In both Nazi Germany and certain American states, such laws have been linked to eugenics programs. In many Arabic nations, laws and customs continue to exist which revoke the civil rights of women who marry men not native to the woman's country of birth, or to men who are non-Muslim in particular. Women who follow through on this choice run a high risk of being subjected to honor killings by male family members. Saudi-Arabia, Syria, Morocco, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan and the Palestinian Authority retain laws in which violence against women on the grounds of "adultery" is condoned or mitigated by the legal systems. In 2008, Pakistani senators defended the practice of burying young women alive who were judged guilty by tribal elders of having engaged in a relationship with men not of their tribe. According to the report of the Special Rapporteur submitted to the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (2002) concerning cultural practices in the family that reflect violence against women (E/CN.4/2002/83), similar such legal situations where the law is interpreted to allow men to kill female relatives in a premeditated effort as well as for crimes of passions, in flagrante delicto in the act of committing adultery, include: Argentina, Equador, Iran, Israel, Peru and Venezuela." Source and further information:
  • Sounds pretty stupid to me. I've never ever heard anything like that. I guess I lead a pretty sheltered life lol. That is a double standard though, and extremely stupid. I find darker skintones very attractive :) (African Americans anyway, espesically when they have a sparkly white smile to go with it!)
  • You should not sleep with another race regardless.
  • Yeah mostly the asians would feel pity 4 the white girls in that case.But mostly men would always welcome sex and the women only to those attractive to them.
  • I know it is really stupid. People have double standareds. My husband is treated great because he is married to me a white woman, but these same people treat me like crap because I am married to a black man. Treat him great and me like garbage and uyell they are not racist.
  • I've never heard that. Whoever is saying that is a racist. Avoid that person.
  • we all the same (colour shouldnt matter its what is inside that matters) we all live on this planet dont we.
  • Well I think that was more in the past. Inter-racial relationships are much better then they used to be as far as being accepted but yes I do thnk some people still think like that
  • It's call racism and if a white girl wants a black man, she should go right ahead. In history there was the concept of the slave master and his slave. black woman/white man. He was the master and did whatever he wanted, he had his way with the female slaves.
  • oh dear - I had better pass that information on to my white friend and her black husband - she is no pig! I had never heard that before!
  • I don't think that is nearly as true as it used to be, except maybe in some parts of the country. I think there will always be some discrimination in this matter. It's just a fact of life because most people have some prejudice no matter how the culture may change.
  • Because of all the things about black men being hung, and girls that go for that kinda thing are considered loose. I DO NOT feel that way, just answering the question like I see it.
  • Watch what you call my favorite aunt and uncle.
  • I have heard that before but not the word pig. I have heard "tainted". Where do all of YOU people live. None of you have heard that?? My girlfriend told me her husband and his friends have said that. I also have white male friends that have said that. I am a white woman in a relationship with a black man and it really hurts my feelings that people think that way. I never think of the color of his skin until ignorant people glare or i see them whisper when we walk by. It's not like we are bad people. I am a good person and he is actually the best boyfriend I ever had in every way.
  • I have never hear of that term. But throughout history Black women were viewed as sexual objects for white men, particularly slave masters. It was not suppose to be for love, just sex. God forbit if one of their women should love or even lust for a Black man. What an insult that would be. Sad.
  • who the hell came up with that saying? Ive never heard that before and am a little offended why would a white woman be a pig for sleeping with black men?!!??
  • That's first I've heard of something like that. Why should you care about what others think? Who you sleep with, date, or love is your business, not anyone else's.
  • I think it's not like that at all...there are racists who think any inter-racial coupling is wrong, and there are the majority of the people who don't see peoples color at all.
  • I think it's alright to sleep with whomever you want and if people want to make comments then they are the pigs.

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