• Theyre a good idea. You dont have to fuss about what you are wearing each day and less 'fortunate' people dont look....'less fortunate'. Generally looks better too.
  • I am opposed to it. The way I dress is an expression of who I am. If I choose to dress formally, it is because I want to give an air of professionalism. If I dress comfortably, you can assume I am "chill". If I look like a slob, you probably should not have made me get up so early. We are all unique. By making us look the same, some of that is taken away.
  • we protested dress codes when i was in high school in 1972 and i still think they suck. How full of themselves someone must be to make other people conform to what they think looks appropriate
  • Not so good (if it's a work it's up to you to work there or not) but otherwise it sucks
  • This is really a good question. I honestly do not know what my opinion is. I can see both sides. On one hand I think that no dress code allows for you to express your uniqueness and personality. However, kids these days seem to be more obsessed with brand names and showing skin, so I could see where a dress code would be beneficial.
  • Dependent where you work I agree to a dress code. We have recently have had an influx of new recruits that have a variety of multicolored hair styles including Mohicans and piercings. We are now introducing a voluntary dress code
  • its good in these modern western culture developed in india where in students use to wear dresses of not of our culture and i think our culture, the way in which a girl has to wear a dresses has completely diminished

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