• Straight from Google, at: (Contains info for MSN, Firefox, and Safari, too) "Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. Go to the "Tools" menu. 2. Select "Internet Options" and the "Content" tab. 3. Within the "Personal information" area, select "AutoComplete." 4. Click on "Clear Forms." You can also un-check the "Forms" box in this window to keep this information from being stored in the future. 5. Click "OK" to exit. Alternatively, you can delete individual entries from your search history by using the Down arrow key to highlight a previous search, then pressing the Delete key once." ~~~ I found that typing a letter/number into the search box brings up a drop box with my recent searches, as long as the letter/number has an associated search. While the cursor is in the drop down area (not the search box - just below it) click on the top entry. Make sure it's highlighted, then press delete. Keep it pressed. All those recent entries will scroll up into the top position, one by one. Since you've still got the delete key pressed, as soon as an entry makes it into the top (highlighted) position, it's deleted.
  • ITS THE SIMPLEST METHOD _____________________________________________________ 1. click at the right most corner of google search will show you all the searches you made till now. 2. click on the first search shown by Internet Explorer. and just press Delete till all the history is cleared. AS SIMPLE AS THAT _____________________________________________________
  • Great...... It's really very cooool
  • If you have a google account and stay logged in, google it's self will keep track of your search history. This is separate of your browser. To clear, you must go to, sign in to your account, from the google main page go to the "MY ACCOUNT" then click on "WEB HISTORY".
  • how can i erase my history on google?
  • Go to the icon that's a wrench on the google tool bar and click options uncheck store history on my computer then save.then go back and recheck it and repeat these steps as needed
  • Three "Our Fathers" and twenty "Hail Mary's" should just about do 'er! ;-)

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