• Time to get a new boyfriend -- next time, discuss these things before you move in together.
  • Ask him why he doesn't. If he says it's your job, he was just there for ass and you need to kill his father.
  • Sounds like a boy-enemy. Funny when people dont want to see the truth they negate a person in any way they can. I see a few of us have been dr'ed.
  • Bring in maid ; have her do housework; and hand him the bill to pay her.
  • Time to have a talk with your friend. It may not be all that bad. Many guys grew up with a family where mom did it all and dad watched TV. He may not know what you expect. You need to welcome him to year 2008 and let him know that he is expected to do his fair share. His response will tell you volumes. Stand your ground and don't let him use you.
  • well why dont you just ask him if he can help with a few things if he really cares he will be more than willing to help you with whatever he can. if you feel like hes taking advantage of you than why not just talk to him and tell him how you feel. communication is the key to a great relationship. if that doesnt work tell him to move out and yall just work on your relationship from a distance.
  • tell him and if that doesn't work you need to kick him to the curb.Granted most men don't like doing laundry or cooking, but he needs to do it in an effort to make the relationship work. It is not the 1800's anymore where women have to do everything. Times have changed. If you do break up with him, it might actually teach him a lesson, but he has to realize that he himself was acting selfish. Relationships are all about sacrifice. Chances are though if he comes back, he will help out for a little while and then it will change. He has to possess a power to want to change in order for it to work and not just appease you for the meantime, then slack off.
  • Are you even sure he wants to be with you??? if he loves you he would help you with the housework! this is no kind of boyfriend i would have!
  • Does he really do nothing? Does he pay the rent or the bills or something? If you both are splitting the bills, then heck yea he needs to be helping with the chores. If he's paying all the bills, takes care of the lawn, etc, them maybe you're like the other 99% of us who feel like we give more than receive.
  • i think u should just talk to him about it and if he doesnt listen teach him a lesson!!hahaha hahaha........but seriously just talk 2 him

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