• Probably not a good idea.
  • Well, if you have a good relationship with this girl that you say you love, then you should go for it. No matter what the consiquences may be, love goes way beyond anything else. Life is all about taking chances, and you only get one chance at life! But remember, when or if you do tell her, you need to remember that when you take a chance you must expect the worst and hope for the best.
  • bad idea playa...
  • Whats so wrong about telling a girl you love her if she has a bf? My man, theres nothing wrong with with telling her that,express your feelings don't keep it in and be haunted by it, life is too short to just withold yourself from these situations,got to live life to the fullest do you want to die knowing that you didn't tell the girl you love how you felt, take the risk, emotinal feelings are nothing to swurve by,hey who knows if the relationship shes in is not stable you have a chance if not who knows anything can happen you you dig
  • Girst of all if you LIKE her, you should only tell her you LIKE her...not love. Thats in a whole different category. Anyway, since she is taken, you ought to wait and/or try to ifnd interest elsewhere (which should be easy if you arent in love). Think of it this way: Wuld you wan tsomeone moving in on your girl? There are exceptions I'm sure, like if she's in an abusive relatinship or you need closure or something...but if its just a normal teenage thing I wouldnt advise you do it.

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