• The Varna of a newborn is determined by the position of the stars at the time of their birth, like a zodiac sign in the West, except it determines your "occupation" from birth. No, most Hindus do not remember past lives. Some non-Hindus, including people who did not believe in reincarnation, claim to have remembered their past lives.
  • According to my Hindu boyfriend, your Varna is determined by your bloodline, and is your caste/subcaste. In modern-day Hinduism/India it does not determine your occupation. Some Hindus remember previous incarnations, but most do not. Wikipedia refers to astrological birth charts in this process, but I have not seen or heard any mention of this the entire time I've been here (India). You inherit your caste from your parents.
  • As per the Hindu scripture "Bhagavat Gita" the "Varnasrama" is madeup of Four Catagories: Brahmana (priests), Kshatriya (Warriors), Vysia (Businessmen) and Sudra (Subordinate service). These are based on the three inborn charasterics of individuals known as "trigunas" - Satvic (Serenity), Rajasic (active) and Thamasic (Inertia). Later these were determined as per the birth of a person. In the same scripture Lord says No one except "Him" remember previous incarnations. (I am a Hindu from India)

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