• Bank accounts!
  • Hitler had hoped that once "Fortess Europe" had been secured and the economy thriving, the Neutral countries such as Switzerland & Sweden would willingly join, since they had many who were either white skinned, blond haired, blue eyed, or at least German friendly.
  • They were neutral.
  • Toblerone - couldn't get over the peaks! mmmmm chocolate...
  • Their neutrality meant little, but the effort it would have taken to go into Switzerland versus the value of doing it made the country a waste of time since the Swiss offered no threat and with their neutral stance weren't going to get in the way of any Nazi plans. The Nazi's only went into Belgium because the French piled all their defenses south thinking the Germans wouldn't go into Belgium, so they took the easiest route into France at the Belgian's expense.
  • No but Hitler taught Swiss people the racism , the racist political party with the black and white sheeps propaganga is a good example, and the racist companies like addeco and nestle and hotel school of lausanne, and the gold stolen from the nazis inserted into different Swiss Bank Accounts
  • Altough everyone thinks that the fact that they were neutral means that they dont have an army, they had a standing army. My grandfather was standing at the boarder, and if they would have come, he would have fought. The Germans could have invaded Switzerland easily, but the losses of the invasion would have been more than the benefit. And to define the word neutral, Switzerland didnt tolerate what the Nazis did. Im sure we would have fought, if we had a chance. But Switzerland is such a small country, neutrality is better than getting involved in a war against a way bigger neighbor. Many Jews escaped to Switzerland and were saved.
  • "During both World War I and World War II, Switzerland managed to keep a stance of armed neutrality, and was not involved militarily. It was, however, precisely because of its neutral status, of considerable interest to all parties involved, as the scene for diplomacy, espionage, commerce, and as safe haven for refugees." "During World War II, detailed invasion plans were drawn up by the German miltary command,[2] such as Operation Tannenbaum, but Switzerland was never attacked. Switzerland was able to remain independent through a combination of economic concessions to Germany, military deterrence and good fortune as larger events during the war delayed an invasion. Attempts by Switzerland's small Nazi party to cause an Anschluss with Germany failed miserably, largely due to Switzerland's multicultural heritage, strong sense of national identity, and long tradition of direct democracy and civil liberties. The Swiss press vigorously criticized the Third Reich, often infuriating its leadership. Under General Henri Guisan, a massive mobilization of militia forces was ordered. The Swiss military strategy was changed from one of static defense at the borders, to a strategy of organized long-term attrition and withdrawal to strong, well-stockpiled positions high in the Alps known as the Réduit. This controversial strategy was essentially one of deterrence. The idea was to make clear to the Third Reich that the cost of an invasion would be very high. During an invasion, the Swiss Army would cede control of the economic heartland and population centers, but retain control of crucial rail links and passes in the Réduit. Switzerland was an important base for espionage by both sides in the conflict and often mediated communications between the Axis and Allied powers by serving as a protecting power. Within the Swiss Army a number of leading figures were known to be sympathetic towards the Nazis, notably Colonel Arthur Fonjallaz and Colonel Eugen Bircher, who led the Schweizerischer Vaterländischer Verband." Source and further information:
  • Switzerland took a neutral stance by supporting the germans somewhat. They did not agree with what they were doing, but they knew that if they didn't then they would be invaded.
  • Among other things, there were no natural resources that would have been helpful to Germany. Next, the country did not represent a military threat and there were no military advantages to controlling the country. Also, the banking system and its secrecy made an ideal place to locate private bank accounts, it was a "neutral" place wehre diplomats could talk to each other, and, as somebody pointed out, it had good chocolate.
  • they were invaded but the germans shit themselves cause they could not match the foot soldiers so they struck a deal.warning dont take on the swiss on thier doorstep!
  • I will just talk about Switzerland in here... in fact, you need to know something more than that. Switzerland was founded in 1291 as defence alliance against occupying power houses - like the Earls of Habsburg. This finally led to a military tradition of swiss mercenaries until the battle of Marignano in 1515, when both sides had their own "swiss troops" engaged. Napoleon's France invaded Switzerland in 1798 and forced them again to provide soldiers for the russian war - and finally, after Napoleon's defeat, the new power houses in Europe told Switzerland to be neutral an to form a pillow between them. As 1870 german-french war and the first world war passed - the swiss army responsibles noticed that they clearly needed a more powerful army. Germany was preparing for war (supporting Franco's regime in the spanish civil war - where in fact, a lot of swiss served for the liberals). Good, now... most people have already heard of Switzerland selling military equipment to Germany. In fact they sold it to both axis AND allies. Bankers made dealings with Germany receiving jewish gold (did they now where it came from?). And as main sponsors of the north-south tunnel construction before 1900 Italy and Germany still had their transportation privileges. This in fact, is only the situation Germany could live with in the late years of war... during the early ones the situation looked completely different. Germany attacked Poland in late 1939 and annexed Austria. Russia had signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, Italy was on germans' side, the USA didn't enter war before late 1941 and France looked like it would fall easily (what in fact it did in some way). About 450'000 swiss soldiers guarded the border during these days. Tunnels and bridges were armed with explosives and the defence plan "réduit" included a withdrawal of the troops into alpine area. All this and the clashes between swiss air force and Luftwaffe in mid 1940 postponed any german intentions. And as simply as that, after the battle of britain and the attack on Russia, Germany never again could concentrate enough forces to take on Switzerland. Let me tell you that Germany overrun Norway with 6 divisions, but that invasion plans for Switzerland included 15 tank and 15 infantry divisions... so I don't have a clue from where you got the "they were weak military nations" - i would say the german responsibles knew it better. And now war went on... including the armament and bank dealings. Beside this Switzerland had independent media - ever heard of radio Beromunster? Apparently as famous as the BBC in these times. About 1'000 US airmen were interned in Switzerland after the damaged bombers crashed there. Limiting the number of refugees (as a lot of other nations), still around 30'000 jews could enter Switzerland during war. Swiss government doesn't allow swiss citizens to serve in other armies... people doing so usually did hide their origin (the RAF ace Jan Zumbach i.e. got back to the roots of his father and simply joined a polish squadron).
  • Even the most evil overlord understands the need for a place to hide out.

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