• A capsule consists of two halves of an oval shaped gelatinous covering enclosing the active ingredient in solid form (usually fine granules or powder). The two halves of a capsule can be pulled open to release the medication. A tablet is a solid piece consisting of the active ingredient or a mixture of a filler material and the active ingredient. A gelcap consists of an oval shaped gelationous covering enclosing an oily liquid in which the active ingredient is dissolved. A pill is a general term for capsule, tablet and gelcap.
  • A Capsule comes in hard & soft gelatin form.Capsule generally forms from two parts one is 'CAP' and another is 'BODY'.In body part active pharmaceuticals ingredients is being filled either in powder /granular/liquid form and closed it by inserting cap .Area where cap & body part coincide is pasted by some alcohol based material to avoid opening of cap in transit.Gelatin is generaly procured from animal origin like pork & vegetable origin like starch .Capsule is being identified axialy or radialy with dose ,product code by pigments approved by USFDA .Capsule may be filled with one or more active ingradients .Hard gelatin capsule can be filled manually too .Gelatin material is generally hardened by adding sugar & by some heat treatment.It generally contains 10-16 % water.Its having types Extended release capsule & delayed release capsule . Tablet is a mixture of active pharmaceutical ingradients(API) & other excipients.Its compressed after passing through some phases like sampling, granulation,wet mixing dry mixing,sifting etc.Then all this mixture is being compressed by adding desired dose unit of API with varius sizes .It can be coated/colour coated/sugar coated to avoid from any degradation .It can be scored or unscored ,can be round,capsule shaped,elongated ,triangular,hexagonal in shape .It is also having some types like ,Chewable,Delayed release ,imidiate release ,extended release,table form . Pills is general term used for special tupes of tables /capsules

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