• He may have God in his heart, but each person reacts differently to things around them. Has he been hurt by a church before? This may explain part of his hesitation. Going to church is not a requisite for salvation. Salvation is a free gift that is given by grace and accepted by faith - the faith that God gives us. It is our choice to accept that gift, but we are enabled by God to make that choice. Church - a.k.a. the body of Christ, is really there for our benefit. It is a place where we can plant ourselves and put down our roots. It is a place where God's word is taught - so we can be fed. It is a place where we can serve each other and build each other up - build up the body. It is a place where we can worship and praise collectively, and know that God will be in our midst - the bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people. Where two or three are gathered, it says, God is there as well. Church is also a place where iron can sharpen iron. We learn from teaching, and in home groups that are a part of that church we are able to dig in and search and share with each other. It is an awesome place to be grown and prospered. Being outside of a body like this is like chopping off a finger and expecting it to survive on its own. The body will survive - albeit with much pain and suffering, and some impairment, but the severed member itself will ultimately die. It's like taking a coal from within a fire and putting it by itself. In the fire the coals all react to each others' heat, and stay hot. On its own, a coal will quickly grow cold and die. Having said this, I don't presume to judge him by his belief. I do feel that he may be putting himself in for unnecessary suffering, but at the end of the day it is his choice. If he really is one of God's children, then God will deal with him and anything that He sees is not right. All we can do is pray and offer encouragement. I do pray for you and your family and I pray that God will give you peace. Divorce is a terrible thing to have to go through. I pray that God will lift you up and place you in high places with him. God bless you.
  • I dont agree. Jesus said to the girl at i believe was jacobs well when she was questioning about the coming of the messiah. "you samaritans worship what you do not know but the jews worship what they do know, for salvation comes from the jews....there will be a time where man wont worship god on these montains nor in synagogues but in spirit for thats what the father seeks" And in mathew 6:5 "And see that you don pray in synagogues nor on the streets like the hypocrites do for i tell you they are getting their reward in full, but instead goto a private place and pray in secret for if you pray in secret the father will reward you in secret" I dont goto church, God is with me in spirit Thats why the curtain torn when jesus died so we dont have to go through the high priests anymore but we can goto him ourselves we dont need them anymore. We dont need other men teaching us for we just ask jesus ourselves in prayer for wisdom
  • Your Husband is on the right route. God is in His heart. if he only says that "shame" he has now Already given God permision to enter his spirit. you will see what happins now. all you have to do is support the fact that he feels that God is in His heart. Remember that satan wants to get hold of this situation and turn Gods word around. that is why he makes you think that earthly church is important. the bile says ; "were there is two or more ther i am" so the two of you together believing in God is already a church. Forget about the man maid rules.
  • You DO NOT have to go to church. Most churches are corrupt. I bet you think the Sabbath day is Sunday?

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