• Evolution must have worked out that one of the biggest enemies to cats and dogs is the motor vehicle at night and so it has given reflectors to them for drivers to see the animal and avoid it!
  • Cats and dogs eyes glow at night because of a silver “mirrors” in the back of their eyes called the tapetum lucidum (meaning "bright carpet") which is a thick reflective membrane. This collects and re-emits light back to the retina a second time thus giving the light-sensitive cell (rods) a second opportunity to absorb the image information again. This a adaptation for night vision and makes it easier for them to see at night by maximizing the limited available light. Hence, the reflected light from the tapetum let the animal's eyes appear to glow in the dark. Humans eyes have "Rods" and 3 types of "Cones" (red, green, blue), which allow us to see color. We don't have the membrane, so that combined with less "rods", makes us have poorer nightvision than dogs and cats. Chedk out this website for more info on night vision animals.

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