• take 3 teaspoons of nutmeg powder.(no more than three for first use),after 4 hours or so. it will kick in with weed-like high. i`ve tried it. it`s ok. trips lasts aprox. 9-12hours.
  • hell ya nutmeg works i did it thursday and i was fucked up in school around 5th period. but seriously just smoke fucking weed its not hard to get bud. but nutmeg does work u have to take 2 tablespoons or more to get really fucked up.
  • is it easy to cover up if u gota go home b4 9-12 hours is up? lol. i can cover up weed heaps well fukin pro at it hahahaha but yehh is it easy to cover up if i have to go home??? xx Aimee.
  • I tried nutmeg for the first time last night. I haven't smoked marijuana for many years and I don't do drugs anymore. I am a thin 173 lbs. Anyhow, I purchased an Oz of nutmeg nuts at a local herb shop. I ground them in the coffee grinder and sifted out the fine powder and measured off a tablespoon of the stuff. I put it in a bottle of Naked Blue smoothie and drank it. It was not bad at all. I felt a mild sense of being high within about a half hour after consumption. I was totally alone for the night also. I don't care what anyone says. I definitely felt high, slightly paranoid and sensitive to various sounds after the first hour had transpired. After 5 hour exactly, I was watching a movie. Increasingly I felt a discomfort in my chest. It took me a while to get sexually aroused but after about a half hour I finally got a serious erection. My imagination and my body were extremely sensitive and active. Masturbation was an unusually phenomenal experience.Sex would have been extra wonderful. About 5 & 1/2 hours I was definitely feeling an increasing high. I felt restless and uneasy so I decided to go for a walk. It was about 10:00 pm. I was drinking water the whole time since I first drank the nutmeg. When I left for the walk, cottonmouth began to seriously manifest no matter how much I drank. I would pee for a long time. A few minutes into the walk, I really started to fell the buzz. I would say I was tripping balls. At the time, I described it to myself as being comparable to having had smoked a blunt and taken a few hits of good acid at the same time. I didn't really hallucinate but there was definitely a mild visual effect that is impossible to describe. At about 10:30, I was staring at the sidewalk and I lost a sense of where I was. Everything reminded me of the neighborhood in the "Black Hole Sun" video. Every little noise grabbed my attention and often startled me. At that point I began to feel distressed. I felt as though my heart was going haywire. I felt my chest was going to burst open. I felt my soul wanted to explode out of my chest. I felt that I was dying of poisoning. When these thoughts crept up I would rationally (as best I could) remind myself that I was just high and I did not ingest a lethal dose by any means. I continually had to redirect and control my thoughts onto pleasant things instead. Once saw a German Shepherd in someone's yard run my direction. I climbed up the first tree. Then I realized he was fenced in. Good thing no one was looking. At about 11:00 I was truly battling to not fall down in convulsions, not have a heart attack, not go numb in my leg, not simply freak out and totally lose my mind. A lot of reassuring myself was very helpful. Walking seemed to occupy my body and mind and brig comfort. I walked for over 2 hours straight all over my area of town all alone at night. I kept thinking: "I am tripping balls! This is more intense than weed any day. I took too much. I hope I start to come down." There was no way I could have hidden my condition from anyone that I might have talked with. I would not drive in that condition at all unless I had to. After 2 & 1/2 hours the high noticeably decreased to a more comfortable level. My eyes were super red and dry. I had to drink water and pee numerous times. I masturbated again and it was extra rewarding. I tried to watch to original Willie Wonka at about 11:30. I was able to doze off within about 1/2 hour. I did a lot of soul searching during my 2 hours of wandering the streets and parks blazed out of my gourd and paranoid. I would not recommend doing that much nutmeg. Again, I am a thin 173 lb male who took a tablespoon of freshly ground organic nutmeg. If I were to do it again, I would cut the dose in half, or even less. I would also want to have sex while I was peaking at about 5 & 1/2 hours into it. I might do it with her and give us each a teaspoon or a milder dose. The next day I was quite tired. I kept drinking enough water and avoided any head aches from dehydration. You must drink a lot of water. When digestive discomfort comes, stop moving for a minute and go drink a bunch of ginger too. This controlled the digestive discomfort people report. After 24 hours, I still felt a very mild buzz. Nutmeg is very potent. Be very careful with it. Don't overdose just because you don't feel much the first 4 hours. It will lynch you about 5 hours into it. I don't recommend doing anything more than 1 tablespoon. It is too strong.
  • i smoked like three bowls of it and it did nothing but make me feel good.....i mean i smoke weed everyday but still....if i ever did it again i would do a lot more than 3 bowls
  • i took 8 nutmeg nuts/seeds almost 48 hours ago i still feel a bit light headed my 2 biggest problems wer bein so dizzy i wanna throw up and also EXTREME cottonmouth. i HAD to hav a bottle of water near me. but the high was unbelievable. i was so happy and giggly. i enjoyed it but i wont ever do it again. i promised Alaa. i wont break her promise.
  • i took 8 nutmeg nuts/seeds almost 48 hours ago i still feel a bit light headed my 2 biggest problems wer bein so dizzy i wanna throw up and also EXTREME cottonmouth. i HAD to hav a bottle of water near me. but the high was unbelievable. i was so happy and giggly. i enjoyed it but i wont ever do it again. i promised Alaa. i wont break her promise.
  • i took 8 nutmeg nuts/seeds almost 48 hours ago i still feel a bit light headed my 2 biggest problems wer bein so dizzy i wanna throw up and also EXTREME cottonmouth. i HAD to hav a bottle of water near me. but the high was unbelievable. i was so happy and giggly. i enjoyed it but i wont ever do it again. i promised Alaa. i wont break her promise.
  • i have a question also, if the nutmeg is store-bought and not freshly ground, must you still take such a minuscule amount?
  • Well what I do is take 2 tablespoons and put some water with it so I don't throw up.. lol, but after that I take some tobacco out of my cig. and then put some in it. It gives it a little kick and helps a little. But weed is so much better,but because I'm in Korea it is super duper illegally here, worst than the states. The last couple times I did nutmeg I felt like I couldn't think straight. I actually felt like there was nothing going on in my brain,NOTHING!!! and it kind of pissed me off.. lol I guess it's fun when you have nothing going on. But if I were everyone I would smoke some grass, it feels a lot better and it kicks in way faster.
  • Nutmeg contains myristicin. that is the chemical that messes you up. Do about a gram of ground nutmeg for every 10 pounds you weigh. Individual bodies vary differently in their reaction to nutmeg, so it may be difficult to tell how much will have the desired effect without having done it before. Also, each individual nut contains different amounts of myristicin depending on its maturity.
  • uhmmm...i ate 1 and a half tea spoons like 20 mins ago and i weigh 115 would it fuck me up hardcore or just a little bit? im really fuckin worried.. D:
  • ummm..i took 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of nutmeg and i weigh 115 uhm, will it fuck me up hardcore or just a little? ....
  • i mixed 2 table spoons of powdered nutmeg with half a bottle of water and drank it all at once i dint feel much but after a couple of hours it realy kicked in lol and the teachers couldnt tell me of cause its only nutmeg
  • i smoked like hardly any nutmeg in a pipe and i feel lightheaded but thats about it, but i only took it about 30 minutes ago so im waitin longer for the real effect and if it doesnt work im gonna eat some instead cuz the smoking it kinda isnt as fun as smoking weed, cuz its powder and keeps fallin out of my pipe.
  • Nutmeg is actually one of the most poisonous substances to humans. A couple of table spoons WILL kill you.
  • YOU WILL BE NEED 1 x 40'ft CONTAINER CHINA IMPORT-EXPORT DIRECT Then you will need to find out how long needed to flush out system for blood test as it is laced with enhancer
  • first you've got to get nutmeg full of alcohol then you strip her and lay her out on the dinning room table next you lay a few lines of coke along her belly, around her breasts, and anywhere else that tickles your fancy. finally you make like chevy chase in "modern problems" and snort it all up, then scream "YES! I LIKE IT"
  • a dash in your brandy
  • Just a sprinkle of nutmeg on top of a glass of vodka..add ice cubes and voila?

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