• How many hours do you work a year?
  • It depends on how many hours you work in that year.
  • There's actually a standard federal measure you can use to calculate your hourly earnings. Assuming you work 40 hours a week, you can divide your annual salary by 2080 which is the number of hours you'll be expected to work in a given year. So in this case, you need to divide $69,901 by 2080 and the answer is that you make $33.61 an hour. But if you work 32 hours a week, you will need to divide the 2080 by 1/5 and that will be the number of hours you work a year. So 2080/5 = 416. Then subtract 2080 by 416 (the number of hours you aren't working a year) and you get 1664 (the number of hours you do work each year). So your hourly pay is $69,910/1664...which equals $42.01 an hour. What do you do for a living? I'm jealous. :)
  • If your working a regular 40 hour a week schedual It should be 33.64 asuming the 69k is gross not net. 69,910 % 12 % 4.33 % 40 = 33.64 ah ok now that it has been changed we go with 32 hours a week. which equales out to 42.05 an hour
  • 8 hours X4= 32 hours a week. 32hours times 52 weeks =1664. 69,910 Divided by 1664 = $42.01 per hour
  • if you work all 52 weeks, they already gave you the answer. But most people take a week or two of vacation, so with 1 week vacation $42.84 with 2 week vacation $43.69
  • short answer: $42.01 my answer: there are so many possible answers, because you didn't give us an exact number of hours that you would be working. so, to figure this out for yourself, just divide the salary by the number of hours that you work in a year. the total number of hours per year is equal to the number of hours that you work per day times the number of days that you work each year, which is then multiplied by 52 weeks (or however many weeks you work in a year. you may get vacation). based on the example that you gave us, it would be 8 hours a day, times 4 days a week, times 52 weeks a year, which equals 1,664 hours a year. divide the salary of $69,910 by the total number of work hours, and you get $42.01 an hour.
  • 42.01 based on info u gave, if you had anymore info to give im sure u would have given it, so 42.01 an hour, well done, what do u do? ha

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