• Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity. This is a common myth. Electricity had been discovered by others (I don't know who) before Franklin. However, they did not really know what it was at that time. What Franklin did with his kite experiment is show that lightning is electricity. He conducted this experiment in 1752 and is extremely fortunate that he did not kill himself. (As I understand it other have been killed trying to duplicate this experiment. So, don't try it for yourself.)
  • He didn't. Thales, a Greek, found that when amber was rubbed with silk it attracted feathers and other light objects. He had discovered static electricity. The Greek word for amber is ëelectron', from which we get ëelectricity' and ëelectronics'. 1600 - William Gilbert invented the term electricity William Gilbert, scientist and physician to Queen Elizabeth I, invented the term electricity (from the Greek word for amber, elecktra). He was the first person to describe the earth's magnetic field and to realise that there is a relationship between magnetism and electricity. 1752 - Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity Benjamin Franklin, famous U.S. politician, flew a kite with a metal tip into a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is a form of electricity. He was very lucky he wasn't killed. Don't try this at home!
  • pickles are the best FRUIT EVER and if anyone tells you other wise they are full of bologna! Also note that miracle on ice is fantastic and if you dont love it you are stupid and knowbody loves you!IF anybody tells you it isnt a good movie then they are full of shit up to there ears! I LOVE CANDY WITH CRAP SMEARED ON IT. IT IS DELICIOUS:) O ya and ben franklin is stupid because he almost killed himself! I love chicken
  • shotgun butthole
  • The shocking answer: he didn't! He prove that lightening was electricity. He was fond of walking in his stocking feet on the carpet and getting behind someone and touching their neck with his finger.

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