• This just reminds me of an alegedly true story that I heard as a missionary. A couple of missionaries were out knocking on doors one day. They went up to one door and the person started looking at them funny. When asked why he said that he was looking for their horns. The senior companion* pretended to be shocked that that he couldn't see them and encourged the person to touch his head to see if he could feel them. "Can you feel anything?" the missionary asked. "No." "Are you sure that you don't feel anything?" "No, I don't feel anything." "Not even the least bit silly?" ;-) *The one who who had been out the longest. ************ "Alatea: It was a myth, the horns are in their hearts." Your hatred is showing again. And just let me say this. You must lead a rather lonely life if you have nothing better to do on Christmas Eve and Day than to attack another persons faith. Since dates aren't shown for comments let me just tell everybody that over the course of those two days Alatea gave me a whole bunch of negative ratings. I was too busy celebrating the Holiday with my family to respond to her at the time, but it is sure nice to see her set such a good example of Christian love and the spirit of peace on Earth and good will to men. ;-)
  • In the 1880s there was a missionary (later a General Authority) named J Golden Kimball, who was known for his quick wit (and colorful language). Once, when a small mob was gathering on the other bank of a stream where a baptism was being performed, he called across to "Watch yourselves, we're Mormons, we've got horns and we'll gore the hell out of you if you come across!"
  • Haha, when I first converted to the church and bunch of friends (from the church) told me about the joke. "Oh yeah, you should get your horns in a couple of weeks." Its all pretty funny to us, haha. We still joke about it to this day. ...Its getting harder to hide the tail though...

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