• The government, postal service, military etc would fall in ruins, chaos would entail, and I would move to Chilie.
  • Canadians will pay for you. We are used to paying lots here.
  • Ron Paul would be elected in 2008 :)
  • We would become the poorest country in the world.
  • There's a belief out there that there is no law that compels us to pay INCOME taxes based on salary/wages. Actually, roads are paid for with gas tax, schools=property tax, city services with sales tax. We funded a military before income taxes. Social security tax fund just contains IOUs. Most of our income tax goes to paying interest on the deficit....and perhaps some is left over for maintaining bureaucracy... I guess initially the IRS would try to attach everyones property, garnish wages etc... and put folks in prison.
  • I would GLADLY pay my SHARE of TAXES, I just DO NOT WANT TO PAY ANY MORE THAN THAT ! The Middle Class American is being RAPED by the Government and THAT is what makes me ANGRY! If taxes continue to climb yet my income does not, I WILL lose my home and I won't be able to get ANY Government asisatnce because they will say I make too much (38,000/year is too much?). We have GOT TO WAKE UP and realize that this Madness has to STOP! Us poor WORKING SLOBS cannot keep supporting those who CHOOSE not to work! WE need to stand up and say ENOUGH!
  • The government would attach all of our incomes and sieze our bank accounts. After that, they start putting people in prison.
  • If every American stopped paying taxes, last year's bridge collapse in Minneapolis would become an everyday occurance very quickly, as roads and bridges would stop being maintained. There would quickly be no one to call in an emergency, no police, no ambulance, no firefighters. Schools would close. Colleges would close. Most hospitals would close. Many doctors offices would close. Snow would not get cleared off the roads in winter. There would be no salt stores. Basically, we'd all go back to a pretty primitive lifestyle. The power grid would probably shut down, as it has Federal oversight. So you wouldn't be able to get on your computer and ask questions like this anymore.
  • They would get nothing in their tax return! Just imagine what life was like before there was an income tax! If we had a nation prior to income tax then we can have it once more!
  • Depending on how long suppliers and workers would continue to give credit, the structure of the country would collapse over a timescale of weeks or months. There are a lot of things which the community depends upon which can only be done communally. Every human community, down to the level of the family, has some sort of communal budget, even if it is only the Big man's personal wealth. In fact, I think it is only existence of such a communal budget, and the ability to raise it, which defines an entity. So the short answer is that the US would cease to exist in any meaningful form. An organisation without the means to spend money is a decoration, not an entity. And spending money implies raising it.
  • Taxes for the most part are not paid but is rather taken. There are some who have to pay in and if they refuse the government will seize their assets. There really isn't anything you can do in America that isn't taxed. You work to make money taxes are taken. You spend it there are taxes added. You buy property you pay taxes even after you own it. You put it in the bank and let it build interest you pay taxes on the interest. This is a fail safe plan designed by the government so it would be near impossible to do any damage. In a manner of speaking they are going to take what they feel they deserve. They have grown much too powerful to cause them to crash. If it were at all possible it would take every person living here to ban together and stop paying (which is not likely to happen). In which case the government would fall apart. This would be followed by law and rules which would lead to chaos and crime and an all out war within our own boarders. In short we become a bunch of terrorist.

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