• American companies are bankrupting each other by sending all their labour off shore. One company's worker is another company's customer and you can't buy stuff without money. Debt and the price of American real estate ensures that Americans need a certain amount of money in order to survive. If a man in India or China can do your job ten times cheaper, what do you do? Work 400 hours per week? Move to India?
  • Good point but even without that cost, the American worker is still more expensive. Here in Oz a few years ago, computer programming jobs were being sent to India because their programmers were ten times cheaper. Can you survive on a tenth of your current wage? Maybe if real estate was also ten times cheaper. But what about your current debts? Could you survive if they looked ten times bigger? What about the Indian taking your job. How much does he pay for a house? What does he get for his money? Does he have a car? How much is his food and what does he eat? Any idiot can pay his workers less to make a profit but when everyone does it, where are the rich customers? If Ford could sell it's Model T's to it's own workers, can Ford still sell the new model (whatever it is) to it's new workers in Mexico?
  • If a company can't afford to pay their employees fair wages then they clearly cannot afford to stay in business. Unions are still as relevant today as when they were created, they were installed to ensure safe and fair working environments. Until companies are willing to do this for themselves then the need for unions continues. Just look at the number of unsafe working environments, look at the number of people (often working for large corporations) who are paid little with few if any benefits or insurance while their bigwigs are pulling in more money than many of us can even fathom! How much richer do the rich need to get? Do you realize to get on the Forbes 400 richest people list you need to have at least $750 million to be # 400? These 400 people together have over 1 trillion dollars, and unions are bankrupting American companies? Do you know that 5 of the top 10 richest people built their fortunes on Walmart (each of them worth about $18 billion). Yes, a Walmart union would take some money out of the $90 billion made by members of the Walton family, but at least the workers would be treated better.
  • Relevant or not is debatable, but when CEO'S are making 432 times what an average employee at their own company makes and that same CEO blames his companies demise on the high cost of labor it makes me sick.

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