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  • YES ! why would anyone call someone who wants to commit suicide a coward.. Being at that crossroads where you feel trapped by life like there isnt a way out isn't fun or easy....the courage comes by not ending it all and reaching out or finding a way to hang on..
  • Yes, I understand. I completely understand.
  • I understand. Right or wrong there are many reasons why people would choose this option, from medical/chemical imbalances to feeling trapped and hopeless. Sometimes people think they are helping their loved ones because of medical reasons (cancer, Alzheimer's, etc.). There are as many reasons as there are people who attempt this course of action.
  • I have stated many times in my life and on AB that I don't think there is anything wrong with suicide and I think people who call others cowards and say things about the "easy way out" do so out of ignorance. I think we as humans have a right to our own mortality and should stop treating death as if it were the worst possible outcome of life. I'm NOT saying that it isn't hard to deal with or that is isn't upsetting when a loved one dies. We all mourn the loss of a friend or family member differently and I have known a few people that have committed suicide, including family members. I think being ready to die and coming to terms with your own death is one of the greatest things a human can do.
  • Sure. They have no hope left. I don't see why it is called cowardly... sad and even tragic, perhaps, from my perspective, but not cowardly.
  • Yes, I understand some of the things that may drive a person to commit suicide, and I'm sure there are many other reasons as well.
  • I definitely understand. Committing suicide doesn't make someone a coward, not in the least. Maybe some people who commit suicide are cowards, but you can't slap a label on everyone and expect it to fit. Good question.
  • Desperation, despair, hopelessness, fear, loneliness, suffering ... none of these are words that can be replaced by cowardice, yet they all contribute to suicide. I cannot understand suicide from a personal level because I don't think I have ever suffered from the extreme despair that a suicidal person has - that belief that things will never get better. In that, I am extremely fortunate. On an intellectual level, however, I think I can understand what drives the suicidal person to end their existence.
  • Yes - what is there to not understand ?
  • Im almost offended by anyone who says that. It is just a cowardish thing to say.
  • Zack I would never call someone who took their own life a coward. Many of them do it because they really feel there is no other way to end their suffering. As one who attempted this a couple of years back I know where they are coming from. It was a couple of months after my sweetie died. I blamed myself for her death and felt like I was a horrible person for not being there to protect her. I was about to take a whole bottle of sleeping pills to put myself out of my misery but just at that moment there was a knock at the door. It was a friend of mine from work who recognized the signs of a suicidal person and came to check up on me. If it wasn't for her staying there the night and being my shoulder to cry on I would probably be dead today.
  • Zack I would never call someone who took their own life a coward. Many of them do it because they really feel there is no opther way to end their suffering. As one who attempted this a couple of years back I know where they are coming from. It was a couple of months after my sweetie died. I blamed myself for her death and felt like I was a horrible person for not being there to protect her. I was about to take a whole bottle of sleeping pills to put myself out of my misery but just at that moment there was a knock at the door. It was a friend of mione from work who recognized the signs of a suicidal person and came to check up on me. If it wasn't for her staying there the night and being my shoulder to cry on I would probably be dead today.
  • people who commit suicide are i`ll they feel as if they can no longer go on. it`s an illness really that has taken so many
  • it's is always sad when life becomes too painful to live.
  • Personally I think we are stuok on this rock until our time is over and a person who commits suicide is cheating themselves and the world of their presence for good or for ill. I would call someone who commits suicide unstable and confused.
  • Cowardice has nothing to do with it. Death is probably the most frightening experience in life.
  • Yep. Sure do. Sometimes you lose all hope.
  • There are a number of reasons. Such underlying factors include mental and addictive disorders, genetic makeup, and brain chemistry. Loneliness is one of the factors that lead people to depression and suicide. People can have lots of spare time but few social contacts and experience “isolation” . For adults, financial or work-related problems are common triggering events. Adversities and suffering can cause an individual to lose his mental balance. The wise man said: “Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy.” (Ecclesiastes 7:7) So a person who talks about suicide should be taken seriously. The problems he is having, whether emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual, may require prompt attention. Whatever the reason for suicidal feelings, having a discerning, sympathetic, and patient person to confide in can make a difference. Family members and friends who are willing to listen may be able to help. We should not judge such ones, but rather show them empathy and kindness. Sharing upbuilding thoughts from God’s Word can be very helpful to those who have lost hope.
  • Of course...
  • Yes. I understand what it is like to think suicidal thoughts, but I honestly do not believe that someone who is thinking like that is in the right stand of mind. When someone loses the will to live, there is a very serious problem, because the will to live is naturally within our minds. I hope that this is helpful. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Certainly. They can see no other way out of their pain. There is always another way to deal with it, but at that moment, they can't believe it.
  • Sure, there are a variety of reasons and most are reasons that 99.999999999% of the general population cannot understand.
  • I think that only people who have never experienced real depression would call it cowardly or selfish. I lost my boyfriend to suicide last year and he was the most selfless, loving person I've ever met in my life. If this is the only thing he did for him, I will give him that. The pain is unbearable when you're considering suicide. Suicidal individuals don't want to die, they just need the pain to stop.
  • I would never have the balls to stop my car on a local bridge, get out and then hurl myself over the railing. Every few months, someone does and usually ends up dead. I posted an obituary for a young woman named Stephanie White that did this a few years ago. She was mentally ill for years and I suppose things just became to difficult for her to deal with. If I met her, I know she and I would have gotten along, she was a cat person also.
  • i don't think you can just generalize it like that. a friend of my parents recently committed suicide. she was in the very advanced stages of terminal cancer and was in so much pain. she had to go to the bathroom through a tube. she couldn't function by herself and was about to be taken to the hospice. no one really knows what she was going through or the pain she was experiencing, so to say that she was cowardly would be false in my opinion. it probably took a lot of strength to come to that decision and carry out those actions.
  • Wow, there are probably as many answers as there are suicides. On one hand, I do feel that ultimately suicide is a decision to avoid pain, suffering and other forms of mental, emotional and physical torment - so there must be some lack of if not of courage, then of hope. Everyone has a different threshold of pain, so I'm not sure it's fair to call anyone who does this a coward. I admit I feel like sometimes it certainly is cowardice, but stepping into the unknown element of death must require a different courage. I believe that whatever other reasons exist, when hope dies completely, humans lack the strength and the will to live.
  • theres a bunch of reasons why people would commit suicide, but i think the two main factors are thinking that it will solve your problems (attributable to the idea that death is the end of it all, and hence losing any accountability to the act) and the inability to cope with what you might be going through. many people can cope with really terrible situations because they have hope that things will get better (due to a trust in a loving God, to give just one example) or simply cuz they know that killing yourself solves nothing, and just aggravates things for those who actually care for you (and for those who believe in Hell and that murder is a sin, for yourself too.. for all of eternity) theres also those who commit suicide due to insanity, ie, they do not know/have control over what they are doing.
  • I do. Many years ago before becoming a therapist I tried to commit suicide and It wasn't because I was a coward either. I will NEVER say to anyone you are a coward. I think the opposite. It takes a lot of guts to kill yourself. So I have been there and I hate the word coward and suicide used together

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