• Slimline is the same really but slimmer, i have been told that the slimline lives 5 years but the normal one lives 10!! xx
  • The biggest difference between the two is indeed the form factor. Sony removed the power supply and the space for the HDD bay and used the (then) recent improvements to their manufacturing process to squeeze what were originally multiple chips spread out across the PS2's mainboard into a single, much smaller space. By moving the power supply out out of the unit, Sony made the PS2 incredibly thin, added in ports for broadband multiplayer (something that was previously only available if you'd shelled out the cash for the Network Adaptor), and removed the i.Link (FireWire) port that was never really used. The only reason you'd want to use the older, original PS2 is if you have the HDD, which is required for Final Fantasy XI. Some have used programs like HDAdvance to rip and store games to the hard drive. While HDAdvance is undeniably convenient, it's hardly legal.
  • first of all, the size of it (obviously) to some an advantage and others a problem. Its hard to get a multitap to stay in the slimline unless its elvated a fair distance by a book or table and even then the weight of the multitap causes it to gradually slip. 3 of my friends and i nearly threw it through the wall because of this. Second, the only way to turn the thing off is by unplugging it, otherwise its always wearing itself out by forcing energy through its circuits. On a lighter note it saves even more space with its built in online adapter so theres no problem trying to get the damn thing to stick to the back of a bigger ps2. Other than that i prefer the bigger older model over the slimline for sheer easiness to operate
  • Slimline heats up and freezes. Plain and Simple. plus the online thing is built into it. And yes you have to unplug it. I recommend geting the bigger one.
  • to me, the slimline takes up very little space..whereas the regular sized one i used to own , took up a lot of space..amazingly, the slim console mimics every part of the big one..all the games play within normal parameters..excet some big games like finalfantasy or grn tourismo 04 sometimes freeze screen or fry the memory card-if have too many codes activated..all-in-all, the slimline is the best bet..
  • Size was the first intendent repair, then the trouble with the disk tray. Then the Network adapter was switched in with a put-in (already in) the P2S SLIM for easy access, and some mess ups was that only certain ps2 multi-tap will work on SLIMLINE. So make sure you buy the right one, it will say in the maual (SC.....)

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