• Wait until you find someone you are in love with.
  • I say stay friends with your guy best friend and hold out for LOVE before you get married and have kids. You are young and have plenty of time.
  • Wait for somebody you love. You act like at 23 this is your last chance. Well it's not. Please don't settle. Have a happy life.
  • If you got married and had kids with this guy, what kind of message would you be sending your children about love and family? Don't settle, you're still young.
  • Yu are 23... you have a lot of time to spend finding the guy that makes your heart melt everytime you see him, hear his voice... I thought I had to be married when I was your age. Big mistake. I got a great second chance, but this time I didn't settle. I am so grateful. I found the one that even after 9 years, I still melt when I see him. Wait it out and be a lucky winner of your soul mate. It is truly worth the wait.
  • Yes, do not ask the same question twice or more. Thanks.
  • I am 21 and engaged to my best friend. We have a wedding date set for this year and something doesn't feel right and I feel so trapped and cant seem to get out. My answer to your question would be no. You might regret it.

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