• Mediocre ones, that don't pay and don't lead anywhere. Unless you have been in the same field for many years, with experince to back you up, you will not be able to go far or make much money. And even then someone with a formal education will have a better chance at the job and also make more money. I am sure there are a few exceptions to this, but in this day and age it is worth it to obtain some sort of higher education no matter how old you are, it's never to late. Our economy these days leaves most of us living form pay check to pay check and in deep debt, just to survive. But the only jobs you will find not wanting an education would be things like waiter/waitress, housekeepers, quick mart attendants, assembling parts for companies, construction, super markets and so on... Even many of those at least expect a high school diploma.
  • More than they lead you to believe: Look at this story from this link:
  • A trade, I tought myself Dryling, Plastering, Brick Laying, Flooring, etc etc etc! Being your own boss is the best! I feed my employee well and let them go home early! (me, for the consfued!)
  • I haven't yet gone to college, and I am the office manager for an IT/Consulting company. It's full time, I have full benefits, retirement, the whole nine yards. People like you to think that everyone needs to go to college to succeed, but sometimes you can find that job that's right for you if you look hard enough. I don't necessarily want to make a career out of this job, but it is definitely much better than a lot of the menial, dead-end jobs out there.
  • Some really good jobs don't require degrees, actually - for instance, working in the wireless industry (Cingular, Verizon, etc.) does not require a degree. Entry level positions generally pay very well, and those companies tend to hire/promote from within. A lot of the work is extremely mindless, however, and you have to be willing to put in your dues getting screamed at about overage charges and text messenging, but it's easy work. Another field is sales - that doesn't require traditional education. Extensive training, but no degree. Um, telemarketing isn't all bad when it's commission based - that's similar to sales, though....I would research it. A lot of people (myself included) end up in a lot of debt after college and struggle to find a place where their degree gets them the kind of money they expected. Now, if you don't have a HS Diploma, it's going to be very difficult to get a decent job, period.
  • Actor Socialite. No seriously, there are lots of jobs that do not require tertiary qualifications. Just look online at requirements.
  • You may need to do some form of training but plumbers, chefs, car mechanics, car salesmen, contract cleaners, some hairdressers, all earn very good wages without needing a college degree, or even particularly good grades from school. Most employers care more about personal qualities and skills, willingness to work and the ability to do the job than they do about academic results. I remember a chef wher eI used to work receiving a CV from someone who detailed impressive A Level results and a first class degree. He threw it straight in the bin saying "Why do I give a s*** about all that, I want the guy to cook not sit an exam." In fact there's been much talk in the British press recently that doing a non-vocational degree at university harms your chances of a good career more than not going to university at all, as employers can see three extra years of work experience as more valuable than three years in academia. Not going to university certainly shouldn't be a hindrance to a sucessful career (Visit the forums on - full of graduates wishing they'd left school at sixteen and got a job instead of going to university - food for thought)
  • Any entry level position. And a lot of them will hire from within. If they want you to advance and you don't have the proper education many companies will pay for you to go to school and get the required degree. *Now if you have had NO schooling and can't do simple things like read and add, that might be a slightly larger problem*
  • The ones that do not require college training.If you join a union,which is a smart idea,you get paid almost as much as a professional without higher learning.Unions train people to do the job,like electricians etc. Sometimes unemployment will train you how to start your own business so you can do what you enjoy without the worry of paying the rent because of lack of customers at first.
  • The ones that do not require college training.If you join a union,which is a smart idea,you get paid almost as much as a professional without higher learning.Unions train people to do the job,like electricians etc. Sometimes unemployment will train you how to start your own business so you can do what you enjoy without the worry of paying the rent because of lack of customers at first.
  • There are loads: - Dustman - Turkey wanker - Bus washer - Chocolate taster - Shrimp sorter
  • Own your own business ... may or may not need schooling, depends on what type of business. __________ MLM companies only require that you be trainable, and do not require any specific schooling. One example of an MLM is Amway ... and one example of a successful person with very little schooling is Dexter Yeager, he is a billionaire with a grade six droppout - only fifth grade completed low level of schooling. __________ Industrial First Aid - requires a short 2 week course in first aid, but no college or university ... likewise with lifeguard. __________ Most of the "Customer Service" workers from cashier & teller to sales clerk to price checker & shelf stocker to shipping & recieving to wrapping & packaging. __________ Most cleaning services ... from janitor to window washer on skyscrapers to steam cleaners and sand blasters to dishwashers in restauraunts to laundry services. __________ Most vehicle and/or equipment operator ... from taxi & bus driver to limo driver / body guard to crane operator, truck driver, forklift operator ... __________ General labourer - such as ditch digger, tool fetcher at a construction site, etc. __________ Singer, dancer, musician, comedian, actor, entertainer.
  • Personally, I don't encourage anyone to get a college degree unless they have a specific career in mind already (i.e, doctor, lawyer, psychologist, etc). Although a college degree is always an excellent thing to have it doesn't define who you are and it doesn't promise a good job. There are many good jobs available that don't require a degree. And if you happen to find a good company that likes to promote from within (like in my case), then you're in luck!! Now to answer your question there's always jobs like refrigerator techs, a/c techs, ultrasound techs, plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc. While they all require some kind of training they don't require a degree and pay very well might I add.
  • Been there. An education is your best route. In most states they have funding for people who can't afford education. If they have it in your state take advantage of it.
  • I agree with shihan its better you start your own business rather than look for an answer here!

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