• it basically means everywhere. it spanned the four corners of the world means it was everywhere. it dates back to when everyone thought the world was flat.
  • I would assume it means all of the world, but I agree. The earth is a sphere! There is no way there could be four corners.
  • Because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, there are four (and only four) natural geographic directions: toward sunset, away from sunset, and to the left and right of the line connecting them. This leads to the four winds of heaven, the four points of the compass, and finally to the expression four corners of the world... an expression which may have originated when it was still widely believed that the earth was flat.
  • The North Pole, The North Pole, The North Pole and The North Pole.
  • "Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc. The four corners of the world refers to the Americas (the "west"), Europe (the "north"), Asia/Oceania (the "east"), and Africa (the "south")." Source and further information:
  • The four corners of the world really exist ! If you look at the world on a typical world map, that is with America on the left, Europe and Africa in the center and Asia and Australia on the right, you can see four corners. I've been in New Zealand and I saw the south-east bottom of the southern island and the guides were telling us that this part of "main" land was one of the four corners of the world ! I'm still looking to know where are the other three, maybe in Alaska, Russia and Argentina ...
  • i don't have an an atlas, but considering lines of longitude and latitude,points of equal distance apart can be found, there for giving you your....
  • A globe, when laid out flat on a wall, has four corners: i don't think the "four corners" are actually points or locations, it was always intended metaphorically, IMO. Kind of like, "It's as hot as the sun out here" ... if it were in fact as hot as the sun, you would have bursted into flames minutes ago :-P
  • This is just me guessing. In the middle age, people believed the world is flat, therefore must have four corners. Christopher Columbus sailed out in the opposite direction to go to India to prove the earth is round.
  • The North, The South, The East, The West.
  • I would have to say "East, North, West and South".

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