• Talk to your girlfriend about it.
  • Tell you what you don't do. Don't argue with your girlfriend about. You need to keep a cool head at all times. Arguing is exactly what your girlfriend's friend wants from you. This will "affirm" her accusations about you. What you should do is talk to your girlfriend, let her know you enjoy being with her, and let her know you feel she's smart enough to make her own decisions. Her best friend is a selfish jerk for putting you through this and for trying to drive your girlfriend away from you, ESPECIALLY if you two are happy. And if your girlfriend chooses her best friend instead you're better off without her, my friend.
  • talk to her about it ask her why she wants you to go through what she did? cause if she did not like it then why would u?
  • Its painful to watch other people be in love when your heart has been ripped out. I recommend that you not do things as a threesome for a while. She can spend some quality time with her hurting friend and help her heal.While you plan some fantastic dates or treats just for the two of you. Arguing with your girl is not going to help, but being understanding will get you everything.Guys brood when they are hurting, girls talk, let her girl friend talk to someone who loves her for a while.Your girl will be back in no time.
  • Have you ever heard the saying misery loves company, well its true, yea she is probably wanting to drag her friend down with her, it makes her feel better. What can you do let your Girlfriend know how this is making you feel and what you think her girlfriend is doing, be open and honest with her.
  • Do absolutely nothing. Who cares what her friend wants. If your girlfriend wants to be with you, she will be. If she leaves you, obviously it wasn't meant to be. I doubt she would leave anyone because her friend wanted her to. If she does it, she has her own reasons.
  • Misery loves company... hopefully your gf can see through this and help her friend get through it without compromising her relationship with you. You can't do anything. If you try to point out the obvious to your gf, she may get offended that you are doing the same as her friend - trying to convince her of "your side". Be understanding of the friend's situation and try to remain neutral.
  • Asked Dec 10 2005. I'm curious. Did you get over this foolishness or did you drive her off?

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