• Found this answer at Prince has always said the meaning is there if you look for it.We can sit all day and discuss them and argue the point, but all we will find is we all find something different that he tried to express."Purple Rain" is about facing your problems and fears in life,looking for solace in those around you instead isolating yourself in self pity and doubt.You always find people running away from the rain, but it's only water,so why the panic? Rain is the perfect metaphor for what he was trying to express.
  • this is gonna sound dumb but I found some meaning in this: watch the movie Purple Rain and then watch 8 Mile i think you might see what I mean what i got from watching both films is that every human being is equal but different
  • It means face up to your troubles ,it will rain wherever you run. We all have problems and the only way to beat them is to face them and sort them out.It is the same for everyone, we are all the same. Something like that Prince is pretty obsure with his meanings.
  • The term "Purple Rain" was actually first heard in AMERICA'S song 'Ventura Highway' 1972
  • I haven't really pondered on this one for really long, but I just came across an old book (1769) by a philosopher/scientist named Emanuel Swedenborg called "Conjugial Love". It has the term "purple rain" in it, but I just passed it quickly as I am going to read it more carefully later. Don't know if it has any relation to Prince's meaning of purple rain though, but it must be the oldest reference I've come across so far of the term.
  • Rain in poetry is tears. Purple is usually spiritual or mystical. So purple rain, spiritual tears, crying on the inside...
  • Its simple, purple rain means... a deep emotional shower of what life puts in front of you, its everything happiness, sorrow, pain... although he's feeling the pain in the song.... he wants the person he's singing to, to laugh and be happy in the 'purple rain'... i hope that makes sense... i think... :)
  • Purple rain is tears in the bedroom at night during sex. The song's about a guy and girl who get involved and she cries (probably tears of joy but maybe both) when (or after) they get together. The conflict is she's got a regular guy but wants him as a "weekend lover". He never wanted her other than as a friend.
  • It's what sprays off the Kool-Aid guy when he blows through the wall.
  • Prince is purple. His rain is his essence.

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