• The officer stopped you for a reason.......the trend of officers not required to show in court, for traffice citations, is becoming more popular. why? there are so few to protect the public and are needed more on the streets. if you are going to plead...not will receive another court date and the officer will be subpoenaed to testify. the definition of a stop varies, greatly. its your word against the officer. your past traffic record, if any, will have a bearing on the judge's decision. a first offender normally will attend 4 hrs. of defensive driving. after completion of the course, your citation will be dismissed and expunged from your driving record. this will save marks on your drivers license and an increase in your auto insurance. end
  • You can't prove it without a witness. Even if you have a witness, it probably won't matter much in court. You are a civilian. He/she is an enforcer of the law in a court of law. You will lose. Pay it or work with prosecuting attorneys to get some kind of deferment.
  • Find out if the officer has equiped on his vehicle recording devices for that day. Write to the police department and ask if their cars were equiped with video/audio record devices at the time of your alleged violation. If they are, BINGO. If not, SORRY. A witness, unless a high official or one of public record, (in other words a cop, a politician, or the judges golfing buddy)happen to be focusing their full attention on creating a mental record that you did not commit the violation, and are hostile about the injustice, than you are without a paddle. Unless the judge is having a good day (won the lottery, got married, found a 50 on the sidewalk)than he will ASSUME that you committed the violation, and may sentense you. If the judge is in the mood that he will find you innocent unless the officer shows up, you are in for a surprise. If the officer actually does show up, and lies about it, you should probably just say "This officer is lying about my alleged offense, I stopped completely at the stop sign, and I really did not commit the violation, and that is the truth of it, I cannot prove that I did not, and I realize that this officers testimony is taken as more accurate, however in the interest of justice I will stand before this court and say until I can say no more, that I am not guilty, and as God as my witness, that is my testimony and truth." That is about it, you make the decisions, but if you are being screwed by lies and injustice, act honest and tell them the way that it is.

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