• Early man started to count. That's about it really. From counting it moved on to more complicated things. The Egyptians and Babylonians had quite a good knowledge of mathematics. The Greeks brought a lot of good thinking in geometry. India in the first millenium AD was home to an extraordinary school of mathematics - we owe to them them our number system (the West was still using Roman Numerals which are next to useless) but we didn't get it directly from India - we got it from Islamic mathematicians. They invented algebra. Independent of all of this, the Maya in Central America invented a sophisitcated mathematical system. Some famous historical mathematicians are - Greek mathematicians: Indians mathematicians: Arabic mathematicians: No one person or culture invented mathematics as we know it today. It's accumulated knowledge over centuries.
  • The first guy who tried to count to 11.
  • A mathematician
  • one of the three original humans that decided two men to one woman was not a very good ratio... so...3-1=2

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