this question should be why do stupid people get to be the president of the usa.
I assume you have asked this question based on your new voter registration card. I'm sure you're shocked by your newly found status. Generally speaking, if you are a citizen over the age of 18 you have the right to vote. It's not based on IQ.
...Majority rules! (Just kidding. =P)
why do stupid ppl get to rule? it's a "free country" and we all have "rights." no matter how dumb one is = created equal
Because it's American
Because the smart people are outnumbered.
I think that it says in the 'Politicians Manual' to maintain the rights of stupid people and ensure that their vote is always counted at least twice. The penalty of not enforcing this section would be that greedy, self-centered candidates who don't give a dam about the people, wouldn't stand a chance of getting elected. We can't have that now, can we?
So that stupid people get voted in.
Because stupid people run for office.
Because they don't die before the age of 18.
Because the majority likes their voice to be heard.
The stupid MPs/Presidents can only relate to the stupid citizens. Zing! Seriously, because everyone should have the right to express their opinion and vote.
No idea, but you just gave me an excellent idea! IQ tests at polls! To register you have to have a average+ IQ, and you must be able to name the general stances of all politicians on the ballets :)
because if there stupid they get t vote but they do not no who they are voting 4 and the peopel get the vote off the stupid peopel
Any one who votes is stupid.
So that enough people vote to warrant employing the vote counters.
Why are they stupid?
Because voting is supposed to represent ALL people, not just the "unstupid" ones.
Who determines who is stupid? One person's criteria may differ from another's. A person with an IQ of 175+ may consider someone with an IQ of 125 "stupid". I am assuming it is fine for a "stupid" person to pay taxes, why should they not get to vote? It's one of the basic freedoms that EVERYONE is entitled to.
Because it's a free country.
The obviouse, it's everyone's right in this country which was created threw sacrafice and has been defended threw sacrafice. I bet alot of the brave people that have died presserving our rights and freedoms voting being one someone or some group somewhere would catagorize them as being stupid but if they had not been killed defending such liberties, they would have earned the right to vote threw putting thier lives on the line, stupid or not. The stupid in my opinion are the ones that don't vote, or atleast too ignorant to realize the importance of being able to have the right to have your choice counted, one person, one vote. To not vote says to me, you don't have an opinion or don't care enough, or too scared to voice your's with that one vote that's your right. You could not have that right or not have the right for your vote to be your choice but the choice you are forced to make. Either way this country was developed by brave men standing up and saying we will be heard and each of us haveing a right to vote is part of us being heard.
Everyone gets to vote. It's stupid people who can but don't.
So they can vote for stupid people like the ones we have in office right now. I sure hope that next time it is the smart ones who vote so we can get smart people in office.
Here we go, I'm bracing myself for the onslaught: " Because the Democrats have to have some votes too!"
Well, that was a stupid question, so I don't think *you* should get to vote. Just joking - a bit. Who get to decide who is stupid? Since it is obvious to anybody intelligent that my party is right, anybody who voted for any other party must be stupid. Whoopee - dictatorship in one easy move.
For the same reason that STUPID PEOPLE get to run for office! This is America!
This sounds like something that would come from someone who would say Why do black people get to vote?? Oh maybe because we are all equality human and should get the same rights as everyone else. Some people considered Hiltor stupid but look what he almost did. Just because you think they are stupid, doesn't mean they truely are. It means your views are different.
the average person is just average that means 1/2 the people you see are dumber then average the real question you are trying to get at is who are the 1/2 thats dumber voting for i think we all know the ancer here
In order that you get the president that you have and the UK get's the government that it has.
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