• Actually through some research they have found that the average person swallows three spiders while sleeping in a lifetime. I can't remember where I read this but my daughter remembers my telling her. God Bless, ><>((((:>
  • Depends on 3 things really, how many cobwebs do you put up with in your bedroom, how many flies get in and do you have wolf/jumping spiders in your neak of the woods!!
  • Actually, you must take a few things into perspective to figure this out: 1. Your location. If the place where you sleep regularly is in a woodsy area, you'll probably have more spiders there than someone in a place where there's no dark corners for spiders to lurk. 2. The places where you sleep. If you sleep in a hotel one night, and you happen to swallow a spider there, and then at home you swallow four spiders throughout your entire life, that's five spiders. Whereas, if you never went to that hotel that night, and you only swallowed the spiders in your house, you'll have swallowed a sum of four spiders. 3. The way you sleep. If your mouth doesn't hang open one night (which is unlikely to happen), and a spider happens to swing by, they can't enter your mouth. The bottom line is, it all depends on these factors, as well as other factors, and probability. One person can swallow ten spiders during their lifetime, while another person can swallow none.
  • In our lifetime we eat about 8 spiders when we are asleep
  • I don't wanna know.....
  • ok som dude put people dont universally sleep with their mouths open which is so untrue everyone opens their mouth while they sleep if not every night at least some nights especially when ur nose is stuffy. also the guy claims spiders won't go in ur room if u live in a civilized country (i kno i didnt quote him but who really cares thats about what he says) well i'd be suprised if there is even 1 person in the entire country of america that never had a spider in their room!!! if u really wanna kno if people eat spiders record urself sleepin wit a camcorder lol but in theory u could swallow at least 1 spider every night. and thank god if u do eat one cuz im 100% sure spiders are a healthier food then wendys mcdonalds and burger king lol. eat 100% organic spiders in ur sleep it can help prevent illness (o 1 more thing i have 0 cobwebs in my room because my step mom is a maid and she cleans ervyday so i never have a cobweb but yet i seen spiders in their even though i only go in their to sleep so spiders are everywhere. but jumpin spiders is a good observation they could jump right in i bet once 1 hits ur mouth u close it test this on a drunken friend when he is passed out lol drop a spider in his mouth and see if he eats it! lol
  • I have heard eight several times. Last night I awoke about 2 a.m. and as my eyes adjusted I noticed with the light of the TV something hanging right above my face. A spider was just lowering itself down. Needless to say I wasn't ready to make nice. RIP Mr. Spider!
  • We probably eat way less spiders in our sleep than we do in our food .... so what's the point of counting?
  • hopefully none.
  • I heard you eat an average of 10 in you life time
  • Well, I usually get through a 1/2 lb bag of chocolate covered ones of an evening, but it really depends how hungry I am.
  • I don't where they got it from but I heard we supposedly eat about six a year, and there's something like four spider's legs in every Mars Bar. That's what the telly said anyway, so it must be true.
  • I don't know I was sleeping....
  • ninjas ground spiders into all kinds of pwders and japanese potions and what not, i guess i eat a good amount....mostly there just icky
  • I read a few years ago that it was seven or eight. Reading that fact made me develop arachnophobia
  • I heard on average, once a year.
  • Im going to wear a mouth mask to bed now...thanks a bunch everyone lol.
  • i cant say for certain, but i know how many i eat while im awake...hundreds
  • Actually we eat on average 6 PER YEAR not 3 per lifetime. This is just spiders not including other insects. You know sometimes when you wake up in the night from your deep sleep with a jolt kind of like you snored a little too hard. Well there is times when that is an insect. But lucky for us our saliva will kill the bacteria and our stomach acid will destroy it. Rendering it harmless since it is not entering our bloodstream directly it's venom will not hurt us.
  • Well I woke up one night to the feeling of something tickling round my mouth. As I woke up I was fumbly trying to brush it off. When I realised there was something on my mouth I panicked and started brushing frantically. Something black flew off to one side, and when I switched the light on it was a spider! It really had been walking around on my lips. Urrrggh, just glad I woke up in time!
  • My sister woke one night to find half a spider hanging out of her mouth. I also, know that the FDA allows a certain percentage of insect fragments into some foods. For example, peanut butter, Canned tomatoes & chocolate.
  • haha people are so retarded i swear. you do eat a certain amount i know, but to put stuff on here like 'i eat them daily' -insert mock cool guy face here- is pretty stupid. kaythanks.M<3
  • does this also mean that spiders actually might if not swallowed already shit or leave piss in your mouth, that that should be a answer added to this "urban myth, or scientific fact" what ever you want to call it. Because i dont mind if i possibly ate a spider in the last twenty years of my life. I just dont want shit in my mouth.
  • I would say 4 spiders
  • I think around 6or 8 spiders
  • no one eats spider! respecta la donna!!!!
  • None. "In a 1993 PC Professional article, columnist Lisa Holst wrote about the ubiquitous lists of "facts" that were circulating via e-mail and how readily they were accepted as truthful by gullible recipients. To demonstrate her point, Holst offered her own made-up list of equally ridiculous "facts," among which was the statistic cited above about the average person's swallowing eight spiders per year, which she took from a collection of common misbeliefs printed in a 1954 book on insect folklore. In a delicious irony, Holst's propagation of this false "fact" has spurred it into becoming one of the most widely-circulated bits of misinformation to be found on the Internet." Source and further information:
  • *shudders* oh dont tell me they crawl in our mouths
  • helllo :)
  • I've heard 8 spiders a year on average. But I'm not sure if thats true.
  • I woke up one morning and went to brush my teeth and a spider fell out of my mouth into the sink. ¸I always thought this wasn`t true but I can tell you that this happened. A spider was in my mouth when I woke up. Must be true after all.
  • i went to the doctors surgery and he said at the tip of his tounge that to his calculations it is inflict that we "mamals" have eaten 24 each month. please email me at wuoldlove to hear from your responses.
  • i do not sleep either! we "gidjubbels" belive by that fact that we shouldnt sleep beacuse spiders cause cancer ! iloveyou peace (Y)
  • None. It's just one of those stupid stories that go round the internet. Just think about it for a second. How would people know how many spiders people ate in their sleep unless they actually watched it happen? This would mean a scientific study and, so far as I know, no such study has every been carried out. It wouldn't really be possible anyway. Scepticism is your friend.
  • Wouldn't you think you would wake up once you felt a spider crawl into your mouth? Plus that fact that spiders know better than to crawl into a wet, hot, humid, breathing hole. They aren't the smartest bulb in the bunch, but they know better than that.
  • i ate a spider in my sleep once , my friend watched me ! it was funnnnnnnnyyy !
  • I read that over the course of a lifetime, about 7.
  • hello there young children. i ate 5 spiders in the last ten minutes of my sleep but i am an alien you see so we eat these things if you have a telescope please use it at 3:34am this morning you shakll see me in my bed sleeping with spiders in my mouth thanyou for your appreciation GOD ;_)
  • Look im a spider and I just wanna set the record straight. When u guys are sleeping I really dont mean to crawl in your mouth, its just sometimes u guys leave your mouth so wide open I get confused..sumtimes I think its a nice warm damp crevice I can set up camp in. I wanna take this opportunity to apologise. When I realise my mistake I always try to get out as soon as possible. Take care humans. God Im bored...where are all the flies today???
  • y oh my 6 legs 5 legs 4 legs 3 legs 2 legs 1 leg oops im a raison. its normal to eat right? i have eaten loads :)
  • i was told that we eat at least 8 per year.i was also told you can tell if you have eaten one the night before as they make a web in your many of you have woken up with a dry mouth ?????it aint the frog in the throat its the spiders web..hahaha
  • I eat an unusual amount of bananas when I'm sleeping.
  • Bugger all, I'm a fly!
  • We eat eight! Eight legs, eight spiders, bitches! This is Grantula and I am not happy with you eating me and my family like we are a piece of cake! EPAR! I'll fucking screw you up bitches! BITCHESSSS! (nuahaha)
  • spiders dont crawl into your mouths because they can sense the CO2 level in your breath so they stay away from you why you sleep so all the ones where they say you eat an average of 8 or more in a lifetime is crap have this from a reliable sorce
  • I never eat while I sleep, it gives me heartburn.
  • I ate seven last night! They tasted delicious but gave me bad gas the next day.

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