• Yes, so true
  • Well, at least now I'm clothed. And I'm still alive at 61. What were you expecting? I've loved, laughed and lived. I've let go of the things that were unpleasant instead of carrying them around rent free in my head and torturing myself with them throughout my life so get what you need out of the baggage leave the rest behind. It doesn't deserve your energy. Not if you want to have energy to enjoy the best things in life. I've been through some bad juju, but it all served to teach me lessons I needed to help others through tough times in their lives and that makes it worth the journey.
    • notyouraveragedummy
      This is pretty much what I was going to say. I've had some losses and some bad times but I still have a good roof over my head, have three meals every day, and have a generous medical plan. That's a lot.

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